Hi All,
So just to close out this thread, -maybe it will be useful for others as well- I wanted to share what path I chose to address my original problem and so be able to use both legacy 868 and new 433 Mhz modules in my home environment without setting up a second(ary) Rpi. (There were other suggestions also that would have worked, but I chose Paul’s idea finally, because I did not want to duplicate the number of gadgets at home if it is not neccessary.
Unfortunately the “re-org work” did not go smoothly there were couple of issues as well during the change/work, but finally I was able to set it up, so I thought I share those steps I went through. I have to mention that I dont use and know linux at all, so possibly my lack of knowledge in this area was the reason of these failures 
So, given in EU 433Mhz is the approved freq, I bought another RFM69Pi module which is running at 433 Mhz and also bought an 866 MHz JeeLink USB stick. So the JeeLink will serve the legacy/old devices and the RFM69PI will be for future ones.
Downloaded and Installed the EmonCMS (October 2018 version) to the Raspberry and upgraded both the JeeLink and the RFM69Pi firmware with RF12demo.14. (JeeLink did not seem to be work with previous version of firmware, but once .14 is installed, the power light turned blue, and finally I could see the RX red lights flashing as data came in). I have also edited the emonhub.conf file, by adding the JeeLink reference to the [interfacers] section:
Type = EmonHubJeeInterfacer
com_port = /dev/ttyUSB0
com_baud= 38400
frequency = 868
group = 210
baseid = 5
quiet = false
pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
subchannels = ToRFM12,
After all these steps were made (+service reset + restars) I did not see that my data/dashboards are refreshing at EmonCMS.org and I was also missing the JeeLink entries from the Emonhub logs (Apart from the ones, that were about the JeeLink setup to use the defined Node ID, GroupID and Freq…etc). And also there were lots of errors like this one below:
"Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 26 121 96 94 157 25 180 235 51 216 47 38 85 231 115 155 7 203 223 69 245 (-84)"
Which might be OK, as all (except 1) modules are on 868Mhz and the RFM69Pi is at 433Mhz. (The brand new EmonTX at 433 Mhz was working, but none of the others at 868Mhz that were supposed to use the JeeLink)
So to check if JeeLink is accessible on the /dev/ttyUSB0, I ran the dmesg command on the PI.
$ dmesg | grep ttyUSB
[ 4.558137] usb 1-1.3: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0
Looks good, as the Device is definitely there.
Side note: When I upgraded the firmware of the JeeLink in Arduino, after testing the results, by using the serial monitor, I was able to see that the Jeelink was getting data, i could see all my 868Mhz nodes were sending reports and Jeelink was able to catch them.
So I searched for a simple script I could run in the rasberry, to check if Jeelink is still working and is able to grab the data coming from the nodes. I found the below python script on this site
import serial, sys
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 38400)
while 1 :
Looks like the Jeelink is working as grabs the data from the nodes…
pi@emonpi:/tmp $ sudo python test2.py
OK 17 23 0 0 0 0 0 216 0 211 0 211 0 (-51)
OK 10 37 2 0 0 250 255 37 0 173 99 202 0 (-56)
OK 20 193 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 (-66)
But for reason or another I still did not see any Jeelink entries in my Emonhub.logs. I did several service restarts and reboots, but that did not help.
Unfortunately i am not a linux expert (quite far from that) so as a final try (before reaching out to this audience for help) was to try to do an EmonCMS upgrade using the Admin page through the UI. And voila. After the upgrade and some restart afterwards it started to work.
2019-11-16 16:17:56,321 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 23 130 93 255 177 44 63 97 158 74 179 21 139 95 185 189 131 61 231 121 160 (-80)
2019-11-16 16:17:58,645 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 20 36 32 53 228 213 246 164 155 231 0 219 102 221 233 47 29 119 35 71 26 (-83)
2019-11-16 16:17:54,068 DEBUG JeeLink 8324 NEW FRAME : OK 20 195 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 (-70)
2019-11-16 16:17:54,071 DEBUG JeeLink 8324 Timestamp : 1573921074.07
2019-11-16 16:17:54,072 DEBUG JeeLink 8324 From Node : 20
2019-11-16 16:17:54,072 DEBUG JeeLink 8324 Values : [19.5, 0, 0, 2.2]
Maybe the upgrade was completely unrelated in the resolution, but anyhow, in the end it did the magic and the JeeLink together with the RFM69Pi works just fine, and all my graphs and dashboard are getting updated again as expected.