Hi Glyn - A vaguely connected request - should the main sites “forum” link at the top right be pointed at this forum and then from here, there is already a link to the old forum?
EDIT - Moved here from the Initial thoughts on User Guide to try out the “splitting” of a thread, seems to work well although I note the [quote=“glyn.hudson, post:2, topic:253”] @borpin there isn’t apace on the front page, once the user enters a documentation page the sitemap moves to the right column. I think this works quite well especially when viewed on a mobile device.
comment now missing from the original thread so the accurate use of the rely to buttons are pretty crucial for this feature to be totally successful.
EDIT #2 - When I went to save the edit above I saw this
Yes this is currently behaviour. Do you not see this?
@borpin there isn’t apace on the front page, once the user enters a documentation page the sitemap moves to the right column. I think this works quite well especially when viewed on a mobile device.
In fact it would probably serve better to create a permenant redirection for the http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/forum url ONLY but let all the sub urls through. That way any existing links out there in the WWW will get updated to the new forum without breaking any direct links to posts.
Oh dear woops, I though I had updated this. Must have not saved changes. It’s been fixed now. Thanks for letting me know. Side bar latest posts on the homepage have been updated show posts from new forum.
Hi Glyn - Did you see my last comment? we posted about the same time[quote=“pb66, post:4, topic:253, full:true”]
In fact it would probably serve better to create a permenant redirection for the http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/forum url ONLY but let all the sub urls through. That way any existing links out there in the WWW will get updated to the new forum without breaking any direct links to posts.
If not setting up a permanent redirection then there should be a message on the old forum home/cat’s page explaining the old forum has been replaced and provide an obvious link, I know there will be the link in the left column and the top right but a user landing there from an old link should get an easy “forum has moved - click here to visit” type button.