MySolar app with diversion

This is not a bug but there’s something quite disturbing, at least for me.
If I take the “standard” Solar app, I get for example under ‘Grid’ ‘45% 10.8 kWh’. If I take the Solar App with divertion on the same period, I get in the red ‘Grid’ rectangle ‘17.0 kWh’ and the number in gray below is ‘10.8 kWh’, which is the imported energy. See screenshot…

I think, the imported energy should be shown in the red rectangle. That’s what you pay for, not the 17 kWh.


Hello @FredM67

Yes I wondered what best to put in this box, at the moment it is the balance of the import and export. The import is given below… it could be possible to show the import twice? but then you miss out on the balance… not that the balance really means much…

Well, that’s the point with balance. I don’t know anoy country, where the price for injected kwh is the same as the price for import. Injected is always lower. So in fact, balance doesn’t mean very much.
Even I inject for example 2kWh and import 1kWh, I’ll pay for the import.
So, I think, you need 2 boxes. One box in red for the import, and one box in green for the export. The balance could then just be written in grey, because it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
If it’s too much work, at the least for the moment, I would write the import in the red box.

As a rule, that’s correct. But…The US state of New Jersey has one hell of a deal. Viz:

Net metering for solar customers in New Jersey is another financial benefit that makes solar panels desirable there. Essentially this agreement allows you to send any electricity you don’t use to the grid for a retail-rate credit from your utility. The credit offsets the cost of buying power from the utility when you need it (after dark, for example). With a well-designed solar system, this can cut your electricity payment significantly - or even completely. At the end of a 12-month period, you’ll be reimbursed at the wholesale rate for any credits you haven’t used


The state of Massachusetts isn’t far behind:

One of Massachusetts’ most exciting solar developments is the SMART program. With this incentive, the State of Massachusetts pays Eversource, National Grid, and Until customers a fixed rate per kilowatt hour (kWh) of solar energy produced for 10-years. For systems under 25 kilowatts (kW), the rate ranges from 29 to 31 cents per kWh, depending upon your location and utility. For comparison, the regular retail rate in MA is closer to 20 cents.

Ref: Massachusetts Solar Incentives, Tax Credits & Rebates 2024 | EnergySage

To be fair, both import and export are written right next to the grid balance box. I agree with the outline of your point though. At some point I would like to look at a different way of showing the power/energy flows that is a bit more flexible to cater for diverters and to show the battery charge from the grid a bit more clearly. The table approach currently used has its limitations…

A graphic with lines to show power flow with icons to represent the different components would be nice.

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What about something like that?

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Or like that?

PS: I wanted to make the color of the grid box depending on the balance… but I still have to learn much more about php and how all is constructed :smiley:

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Thanks @FredM67 I like the first I think, looks most clear.

Well OK.
The only “drawback” from the first is the long text. On small (portrait) devices, it makes the box quite big.

So based on the first try… here another (better) version (smaller font) :wink:

@TrystanLea I’ve created a pull request… is it correct?