MyHeatPump app: Summary not shown when 'Enable daily pre-processor' enabled

I’ve just started monitoring and feeding data into Emoncms for my dual system:

I spotted that ASHP1 doesn’t show me the total usage and SCOP summary, and experimenting shows that it’s caused by setting the ‘Enable daily pre-processor’ in the settings:
I confess I haven’t worked out what effect that setting has other than making the summary not work; I was hoping it might separate out the COP for DHW vs. heating?

So I turned it on for ASHP1 because that’s the only one plumbed into the water cylinder.

I think this might be the same problem as MyHeatpump App: Day view not showing

I hadn’t worked out that the ‘back’ button is supposed to take me to a completely different daily view that I hadn’t seen before (and also doesn’t work with this option enabled).


@dwmw2 do you have the a feed configured to pass the DHW status and Central Heating status to the heatpump app?

I have the daily pre-processor enabled and my summary page is displaying ok.

I do have DHW and CH state feeds configured and working, yes. My summary started working this morning though; not sure if it got fixed or there’s something else going on.