My Solar Battery 3 phase - no virtual feeds?

“My Solar” works great for 3 phase as I can select virtual feeds for the summation of the 3 phases
“My Solar Battery” I am unable to select the summed virtual feeds.

How can I fix the selection box to include virtual feeds?

Hello @davidm I’ve updated this now to be more flexible, I thought I had done this already!

farm emoncms error.pdf (291.5 KB)

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for enabling the calculated feeds.

I am now getting the consistant attached error on both “My Solar” & “My Solar Battery”

I have used “My Electric” to test the individual calculated feeds.
These fail with the same error for the first 30 seconds after creating then are fine.
It is as if there is not enough time to calculate the feeds before faulting?

I also have a dashboard which displays a matrix of 16 calculated 3 phase feeds as gauges and 5 calculated (+ 1 pulse) 3 phase feeds as 2 graphs that still works without error - screen grab attached for info.
farm emoncms dashboard.pdf (4.8 MB)

How can I fix this?
