Interesting to see my boiler’s efficiency is hovering around 92% over the last few days which is great! It would be great to see it hit 94/95 which is the theoretical max for a return temp around 35.
As always, I’ve made a video documenting the setup.
Happy to dive into more details if anyone is interested!
Nice work putting this video together @tomasmcguinness it’s a great overview of the steps involved getting the data into emoncms from home assistant.
For anyone else interested in the boiler monitoring app, this is was a relatively simple copy of the myheatpump app but with the heat pump bits stripped out and an extra feed for gas input among a few other UI changes. The app is available in the latest version of the emoncms Apps module. Source code available here (within the wider app module):
Interesting looks like the delayed gas reading created a glitch for yesterdays total, suggesting an efficiency of 99% ! today is lower but you’re also running the higher flow temp test I guess. Perhaps the gas input energy needs to be displayed as a step plot on the graph so that you can select a window that includes the delayed gas reads…
I think it’s just window alignment with when the kWh values are incrementing…
I’ve made a minor change to show the efficiency in the window and fuel kWh values stepping up, it’s now much easier to manually select to get the right alignment:
Chatting to Glyn here, it might be that it will be difficult to assess the impact during these milder conditions as run times are not long enough to get the average return temp up?
E.g average return temp when running here was 34.6C, it rises and levels off at 38C…
Set up in the same way as Heat Pump App, Inputs and Feeds showing live values, but the My Boiler App configuration page does not display a “Launch App” button in the same way as the Heat Pump App does. Not sure what I have done wrong.
Ok, figured it out. It seems to require the boiler_elec feeds to be populated. Since this data may not be easily available, seems better to make those fields optional?
It needed the boiler electric consumption data (pump, boiler fan etc), I’ve removed that requirement now. Looks like your getting about 80% from this one so far?
Yes, when not condensing it seems to manage 80%-ish, once it has settled down and is condensing it gets into the 90s. Be interesting to see how it measures up, it is best part of 16 years old. part of a hybrid set up with a Heat Pump.