My Beehive Dashboard

Never quite finished as always finding something else to change/create :grinning:



Hive 2 looks bit chilly …

It’s not connected and no sensors are installed yet :slight_smile:


it’s a hive for those rare Antarctica Bees :grinning:

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That’s brilliant. Do you have any details on the project as a whole. I’ve been interested in monitoring my bees but never quite worked out all the details.

It is based on Arduino. There are Nano’s in the hives with DS18B20 and DHT21 sensors attacthed. The data is sent over 2.4Ghz via Xbees to a Mega2560 base unit which collates and parses the data and then is sent by an ESP8266 over the internet to my web server which runs Emoncms. The server is hosted by another Company

The Solar side for keeping the battery topped up is a 40W panel connected to a MPPT controller which monitors and charges a 12V SLA battery. The controller has a serial port which is accessible with Arduino so this is sent back to the Mage with a MKR1000 and Xbee. I chose the MKR for the Solar as it has a LiPo backup so if the main battery gets to low in the winter the Solar will still send Ambient data and battery status. It is still being evolved. The next step is to provide Hive weight with load cells and an HX711 breakout board/collimator


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Awesome! Very nice.

After some downtime I’ve got is back up and running.

Not as fancy as yours, but has several years worth of data there now :slight_smile: