But when trying to read data via mqtt I get no output, using command: mosquitto_sub -v -u 'emonpi' -P 'emonpimqtt2016' -t 'emonhub/'
Issue seems for me to be in emonhub_interfacer.py line 121. My MQTT interfacer worker has following: self._settings["subchannels"] is ['ToEmonCMS'] self._sub_channels is {}
So self._sub_channels is empty which causes line 126 not to run self.add(frame)
This means MQTT interfacer gets no data to then push out to mosquitto
Turns out my Emonhub was not running successfully, because emonhub_auto_conf.py line 49 was looking for a hardcoded file named “/opt/openenergymonitor/emonhub/conf/available.conf” which in my installation was not there. Changed it to where my install lives, and emonhub seems okay
PS. emonhub.py line 94 does not work as intended, calling sys.exit from here does not cause the main pid to exit. Is it waiting for interfacer threads to join maybe? I don’t know, but upon the an exception on line 92, emonhub stops running BUT interfacer threads continue to run.
Hi, it does work after I change that filename hardcode to where that file sits on my install. I’m not sure where the install script puts that file and why the hardcode doesn’t look for it where the script puts it. I’ll make a github issue for it.
My reason for running standalone, is that I will be keeping data local only, and not using emoncms locally either. I will be using emonhub and mqtt to push data into rrdtool using something similar to this: