MQTT inputs help

hi all, so smarter people than i visit here a lot. And i’m struggling to find an answer to this scenario

short version,
do MQTT inputs get saved anywhere to not lose the input processors allocated to them, or do they need to be reset-up after every reboot?

LONG VERSION and Background.

I have in the last month purchased a P1P2MQTT monitor for my Hitachi reverse cycle ducted A/C . works great, does everything straight to Home assistant, but there are 76 MQTT topics that i want to graphically keep tabs on.

I’ve setup node-red, influx and Gafana. but i just cant get it to work easily ( most likely a me problem.
so lets input into Emoncms instead as i am familiar with this graph setup.

so ive setup with node-red to republish the data to the emon topic( complete with trigger to resend data every 10 seconds). this works a treat, all the inputs show up, even sorted it to forward the correct names of each input in the list of inputs.
i’ve allocated feeds to log each input and started to create graphs that show me what i want.

the problem is that when the server is shutdown for a full disk backup every night, the Inputs re-appear but the input processes prior to reboot are now not there and i have to manually go through the list to set the feeds again and hence make the graphs work.

the MQTT broker i use is om my Home assistant machine, the mqtt settings of Emoncms are set to use this broker. and it obviously is working as i see the data in emoncms, MQTT explorer etc

I have previously disabled Emonhub in my setup as all my data comes from my emonTX3’s via EmonESP.
also demand shaper is disabled as i have no use for that currently.

any help would be appreciated to avoid having to reset the damn feeds manually all the time

Which Input Processes are you talking about? The ones in emoncms on the Inputs page that create the Feeds?

yes, the log to feed processes need to be all set up again.
obviously the feeds still exist as they are in the menu to select them, but when the reboot happens the input is not saved and hence the processes with that input are lost too.

so, i’ve learnt ( thanks chatGPT) a bit more java scripting and managed to get node-red to take the MQTT topic and make it useable for the Emoncms push output.
so now i have a MQTT and a HTTP source for the same information ( going to differently labelled node names for each source, IE, “Hitachi MQTT” and “Hitachi HTTP”)
but again, on reboot the input processes that “log to feed” do not return, requiring manual setup again

@TrystanLea , any ideas for me?

Hello @melv_doson It sounds like something has gone out of sync between the mysql database and redis cache. Can you try clearing all your redis keys from the Emoncms Admin page? (assuming your not using redis for other things). Or via command line:

redis-cli flushall

Hi Trystan, i tried the flushall, it did not help. just duplicated the inputs and once i sorted them back out. i rebooted and the linking from the feeds to the input was lost again anyway.
im thinking of starting a fresh VM install and possibly migrating everything over to it.

It sounds like something has gone amiss somewhere in the setup, starting again is probably easiest.