Monthly cumulative costs graph not displaying

Hi all

I would like to create a simple cumulative cost graph (in Rands) that “resets” every month.

The daily and weekly graphs work but not the monthly interval one.

Example images:
See Daily, Weekly and Monthly images

EmonCMS local on emonbase.

I created a power to energy feed and then created a virtual feed to represent the energy costs. I used: Energy cost (R/kWh) = 1.5 (R/kWh) x Energy (kWh).

2020-01-28 16:26:35 till current (see image).


  1. Does the monthly graph not display because I don’t have enough data to represent? Aka my captured data is not enough to span over a month interval (yet)?
  2. If so, how can I enable it to show costs already undergone for this month while incrementing and not have to wait till the end of the month to show?

Thanks in andvance.

Hello @Oan_De_Waal unfortunately the monthly totals feature does only work with complete months at the moment. I’ve created an enhancement request to keep track of this as I agree it would be a nice feature In day or month view, show consumption up to present time · Issue #118 · emoncms/graph · GitHub

Hi @TrystanLea, great, thanks for the feedback. I look forward to the capability.