I’ve recently installed an emonPi for monitoring household and PV energy + an emonTX to monitor an air source heat pump. I’m still getting to grips with how it all works, so apologies if I’ve made a daft mistake.
Today I added a breakout terminal board to the emonTX, connected via the RJ45 socket. On the breakout board I wired in 6 new DS18B20 sensors.
Everything was off while i did this. Once I powered it back on and checked the feeds in the emonCMS I found only 3 temp sensor inputs showing.
The emonTX is powered by AC adapter, not 5v USB. I’ve also got a meter pulse feed directly from the pulse output on the meter wired to the IRQ1 screw terminals on the emonTX board.
- What have i done wrong, where are the other temp 3 inputs?
- On the input list in emonCMS there are E1, E2, E3. E1, and E2 are increasing in value, by about 1 unit every second. What is it measuring?
- What is the MSG input?
Many thanks