The biggest problem I seem to be having is the lack of error messages.
Configuration via php-info.php:
PHP Version 7.0.30-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
Redis Version 3.1.6
Available serializers php
I suspect I might have an issue with the version of Redis php file, but I can’t find anyway to see what that is.
When I try running: sudo php sync_run.php it shows
SYNC: Starting
SYNC: Home dir: /home/craig
SYNC: Connected to Redis
On the emoncms/sync/view page when I enter the Host:, with the username and password, then hit connect it shows “Connecting to remote emoncms server…”. The text then disappears and there is no list of feeds.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
All that info is available on the Admin page of emoncms, there is also a “copy to clipboard” button to copy that info to a forum post (in a collapsed table) for us check for you.
That’s fine they are different things and their versions run independently, there is no need to “match” the version numbers.
The fact the redis section is there in the server info means redis is enabled and likewise the fact that redis appears in the php modules section tells us the phpredis extension is enabled.
The later v4 of phpredis is untested and reportedly may have code breaking changes, so you are on the latest known good version 3.1.6, which is also correct for php7.
This leads me to believe you may have just a sync issue and that redis is fine.
Have you installed the service-runner as outlined in the sync-module’s readme?
Very strange. While double checking the set up of the service-runner. I tried running the sync function on the /emoncms/sync/view page and this time it logged in and listed the available remote feeds.
I did make some changes to the firewall and mySQL ability to accept remote connections. This could have been the required change.
I wasn’t able to download from the remote (, but from the command line it has worked.
This is all I really need as I only want to download historic data.