Local EmonCMS user timeout increase or disable


I’ve seen that my user is logged out from the WebUI after maybe a few days and that this started happening since I updated EmonCMS. I confirmed this because I still have one old EmonCMS running logged in for about 6 months without being logged out (not being used at all, but still there for my old home data).
Versions of the old one:

Versions of the new one:

So, my question is: how do I increase the session timeout or even disable it?


Hello @cidirome interesting that you have noticed this change, there’s been a long running issue with this I think and I’ve never got to the bottom of it. Never sure if it’s just me logging in and out of different accounts, losing sessions that way.

I have a feeling that the page being displayed has a bearing on whether it times out or not. Could some types of update/refresh be fooling it into thinking there’s been user input to keep the page open?


I’m not convinced of that, today it timed out in 2 different computers and one Android browser.
I use all of them regularly.
Yet, this was the first time I noticed that all the 3 devices were logged out in the same day, I think it happens more often in the Android browser, but not entirely sure of that.


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