Linux shared installation update

Hello, I’m on emoncms versione 9.8.28 on my linux shared host (aruba farm Italy).
I try to update to the last release, I made it in the past sometimes, but now I’m inable to update.

What are the steps to make this update without losing the data of the two monitoring systems present now?

Hello @Stefano_Truzzi what errors are you seeing? Is this the same as your other post about installing on aruba? You should be able to turn off redis in settings if you are not using it …

in dashboard screen a lot of error like this

Message: TypeError: designer.get_SI is not a function
Route: dashboard/edit?id=1
Line: 1152
Column: 24

About redis, my emoncms run over an host with linux but I’m not able to install redis on these hosted server

for the dashboard error, did you update the dashboard module as well?
For the best results I would recommend installing emoncms on a VM of some kind where you have full control over the system. E.g digitalocean are one low cost option, there are many others of course EmonScripts/ at stable · openenergymonitor/EmonScripts · GitHub

I used the last release both for emoncms and module.
Over file manager of the server, I renamed the old emoncms and upload the new one whit all files and directories and changed data in .ini file (database login and password)

New attempt…
Now the error i with graphs.
If I put graph module in module directory, no way to work with graps.
Without graph module all my graps (multigraps, bar graph) are not working.

graph module version 2.1.1
emoncms version 11.0.5

Hello @Stefano_Truzzi Im afraid I will need more information in order to work out what might be going wrong. Can you share screenshots perhaps?

if I open dashboard editor there is an error

and all feed dasapper