Large number of unwanted 'inputs' in emonpi

I have an emonbase setup with two emonTX4s (both transmitting over radio to the base, one is emontx4_17 and one is emontx4_18).

On the inputs page, there is a HUGE number of ‘bad’ inputs which all seem to have been automatically created. Whilst these can be deleted manually, one by one, this will take “a long time” and, of course, several new devices will be created throughout the day.

I also find when trying to delete a device, I get a javascript alert() page stating:
There was an error creating device: nodeid=emonTx4_17 message=Device already exists, cache reloaded, try reloading the page

So, is there an easy way to simply delete all these unwanted automatically created devices and inputs (and a way of stopping them from becoming automatically created?)?


Hi, sorry, missed this.

You need to work out what is generating these Input Nodes. Are they always the same NodeID?

Something, with that nodeID is sending data to emoncms which is why they appear. Do you have MQTT sensors?

Are you fully up to date with emoncms?

Otherwise, you need to check you are set to DEBUG logging (both emoncms and emonhub) and then trawl through their logs and see what is causing these to be created.