My EmonPi arrived last week and I managed to get a Electrician to come and install a double socket under my stairs to power the unit. I plugged the EmonPi into and Ethernet to receive the IP address for the unit.
since then, when I plug the unit in it runs through the start up sequence and then sticks on “Booting… Please Wait” I have waiting 2 hours for this to pass but nothing changes. I have accessed the Emoncms on my computer and have run the updates but nothing changes. Any suggestions? I’m afraid I have looked through some of the forums, but I am not quite as tech savvy as some of you seem to be.
What did you see on your computer? Did you use a web browser, have you created an account in emonCMS and given it a name and a password? Did you do the update via the Admin menu?
If you did all of these things, it sounds as if emonCMS itself is mostly woking and the Raspberry Pi is fine. The “Booting…” message comes from the “emon” processor (not the RPi) so that too seems to be working, and it looks as if the Pi hasn’t taken over control of the display. Why, I’m not sure.
When plugged in via Ethernet. it states that the device is “connected”. I have made an account and yes the update was run via the admin menu. I’m at work at the moment so cannot access it first hand but last night i could see that there was a problem with the EmonPiLCD all other processes were in the green.
No problem, Thank you for your assistance nonetheless. I’m more than happy to attempt a factory reset as I have no data to loose at this point. I’m just not sure how to go about it.
Probably the easiest and surest is: Take the SD card out of the RPi, reflash it.
You’ll need a Torx T20 screwdriver, take off the end panel by the push-button, and the SD card is immediately beneath it. Put it in a laptop or card writer, get the “latest” image from GitHub and reflash it. I prefer Balena Etcher (other software is available) to write the card, it’s very easy to use, and it doesn’t need the image unzipping before writing it to the SD card.