JeeLib.h no such file or directory

il mio inglese è molto scolastico ma avrei bisogno del vostro aiuto: ho acquistato da poco emonTx shield un sct013-00 e l’alimentatore AC AC 9 volt Rf12b, sono in possesso di un arduino uno. Ho scaricato le librerie Jeelib e emontx e con gli esempi inclusi cercavo di tarare il mio CT. L’esempio CT1234 quando cerco di verificare la compilazione ottengo errore “JeeLib no such file or director” non riesco a capire dove sbaglio. Quindi avrei bisogno del vostro aiuto:

My English is very ‘schoolboy’, but I need your help: I ​​recently purchased a SCT013-000, emonTx shield and 9 volt AC-AC adapter & Rf12b, for my Arduino Uno. I downloaded the Jeelib and emontx libraries and the examples included, I am trying to calibrate my CT, with the example sketch CT1234. When I try to verify the compilation I get the error “JeeLib no such file or directory”. I can not figure out where I’m wrong. So I need your help:
Thank you

My Italian is zero!

You must load the JeeLib library in the correct place on your computer. The method recommended here is to use Platformio: PlatformIO: Compile & upload firmware. Blog post 1/3

But I do not understand Platformio and I do not use it. Instead, I use the Arduino IDE. Here are the instructions that we used before:
Installing Libraries W8.1.pdf (279.4 KB)
This is for Microsoft Windows 8.1, but Windows 10 is almost exactly the same.
It is in English.

You do not need RFu_JeeLib, RTClib, GLCD_ST7565 or EtherCard.

Here is the page on the user guide detailing how to compile and upload Arduino firmware, platformIO will automatically install the libraries you require:

Hi @glyn.hudson that page only says

"Using Arduino IDE

Either PlatformIO or Arduino IDE can be used to compile and upload the firmware. This example will use PlatformIO since we consider it the easiest method. If you wish to use Arduino IDE see Setting Up the Arduino Environment."

And that “Setting Up the Arduino Environment” link is broken and results in

Grazie per la vostra disponibilità. Ho risolto il primo problema. Ora sto cercando di calibrare il mio Ct ma ottengo valori errati. Sto leggendo "Procedura di calibrazione"ma cambiando tensione e fattore di fase ottengo un errore di lettura del 40%. Help per un principiante. Grazie

Thanks for your time. I solved the first problem. Now I’m trying to calibrate my c.t. but I get wrong values. I am reading “Calibration procedure” but changing voltage and phase factor get a reading of 40% error. Support for a beginner. Thank you

The purpose of calibration is to correct for small changes in component values from the nominal value. A change of 40% tells me that something is very wrong. What are the actual numbers that you are reading from your sketch?
Does each CT input give the same incorrect reading?

Your sketch - is it emontx-shield/firmware/Shield_CT1234_Voltage at master · openenergymonitor/emontx-shield · GitHub ?

You are using the YHDC SCT-013-000, the same as from our shop. Which ac-ac adapter are you using? Is it this: AC-AC voltage sensor (Euro plug) - Shop | OpenEnergyMonitor ?

The calibration constants for that CT and ac adapter are:
Voltage: 260.0
Current: 60.6
Phase: 1.7

The phase calibration will not affect the current calibration nor the apparent power (VA), but it will affect real power (W).

If your emonTx Shield does not give readings that are nearly correct (±10%) with those calibration constants, then:

  1. You have a faulty sensor (voltage, current, or maybe both).
  2. You have a faulty component in the emonTx Shield.
  3. You might be using the wrong sketch. Your sketch must not have #define emonTxV3 anywhere.

Thanks, it’s been fixed :thumbsup:

I’ve changed to point to the official Arduino getting started guide:

It’s the best place the learn Arduino for all OS’s

Once upon a time, that was not wholly accurate (Windows version). I added the following cautionary note to our instructions:
“Part way through the installation, it will ask for the components to install. It does not appear to make any difference whether you select “Install USB driver” or not, you still need later to install the SILabs drivers.” And now, I can’t see a reference anywhere to the SILabs drivers.

Grazie del vostro intervento.Avevo utilizzato lo sketch emontx 123 voltage .Ho cambiato lo sketch e sto utilizzando Shield_CT_1234 Voltage, ma non ottengo nessun risultato il led della shield non lampeggia più.Sul monitor si legge solo l’intestazione “emontx …esempio”
Ho acquistato la shield emontx ,RFM12b,e l’alimentatore AC AC dal vostro negozio. Mentre YHDC sct 013-00 fu acquistato da una ditta cinese.
RFM12b non è stato ancora collegato.Non capisco cosa possa essere successo.Se il sensore di corrente è difettoso doveva dare valore zero con il primo sketch e la shield lampeggiava il led.Sto sbagliando qualcosa? per favore aiutatemi.Grazie

Thank you for your intervention. I used the sketch emontx 123 voltage. I changed the sketch and I’m using Shield_CT_1234 Voltage, but I do not get any results led the shield is no longer flashing. The monitor reads only the header “emontx example …”
I purchased the shield emontx, RFM12b, AC and AC power adapter from your store. While YHDC SCT 013-00 was bought by a Chinese firm.
RFM12b has not yet been connected. I do not know what might have happened. If the current sensor is defective had to give a value of zero with the first sketch and the shield he flashed the LED. Am I doing something wrong? please help me. Thank you

I am trying to help you.

Your sketch will first try to initialise the radio module, but without the radio module, it will stop and not proceed. Therefore, as long as you do not have the radio module, you must change into a comment every line that works with the radio module.

The lines that you must make into comments are:
rf12_initialize(nodeID, RF_freq, networkGroup); // initialize RFM12B

send_rf_data(); // *SEND RF DATA* - see emontx_lib

When you do this, you should see the correct output on your screen, and you should see the LED flash.

Grazie ho fatto le modifiche consigliate difatti il led si accende. Ho collegato un fornetto di potenza di 1030 w , ma ottengo valori diversi :real power 2355 w e Vrms: 249.85. Premetto per il momento ho solo uno SCT013-00.

I made the recommended changes - in fact the LED lights. I connected a small oven of 1030 W power, but I get different values: real power and Vrms 2355 w: 249.85. I state for the moment I only have one SCT013-00.

The number of your current transformer is wrong. There is no SCT013-00
There is a SCT-013-000, and there is a SCT-013-000V

The correct one to use with the emonTx Shield is the SCT-013-000. The printing on the side should be this:


If it does not read “100A:50mA”, you have the wrong current transformer. If you say exactly what you have, I might be able to tell you the changes you must make.

Il mio sensore è proprio quello della foto SCT013-000 100A:50mA

My sensor is just one of the photo SCT013-000 100A: 50mA

Please can you check that the current calibration constant in the sketch is

Line 99:
if (CT1) ct1.current(1, 60.606); // Setup emonTX CT channel (ADC input, calibration)

yes risulta esattamente

yes it is exactly

I cannot understand why you read >2 × ( 2355 / 1030 = 2.29) the correct power. Your voltage reads too high - I think it should be approximately 220 V, but that does not explain the error.

The emonTx (and emonTx Shield) are designed for a single phase systems like we have in the UK, but it should work and give the correct readings on one phase of a 3-phase system. Therefore, if you are measuring the voltage and current of your oven and nothing else, everything appears to be correct and I cannot understand where the error is.

L’impianto di casa mia è un impianto monofase .Forse questo è l’errore . Se è cosi la shield emontx non è adatto al mio scopo. Cosa è possibile fare.Grazie

The system of my house is a single-phase system .perhaps this is the mistake. If so emontx the shield is not suitable for my purpose. What you can do. Thank you

No, it is not an error. You have exactly the system that the emonTx Shield was designed for.

Can you read the value of resistors R16, R15, R17 & R28 on your emonTx Shield? Each one should be 33 Ω.
If the wrong value has been fitted at the factory, that would explain the wrong readings.

Hi Robert tutte le quattro resistenze hanno valore 33Ohm.Ho controllato le
saldature e risultano perfette.Anchio sono dispiaciuto come te per non
riuscire a risolvere questo problema.Comunque in attesa di un ulteriore
consiglio ti ringrazio.

Hi Robert
All four resistances have value 33ohm. I checked the welds and are perfect. I too am disappointed like you not to be able to solve this problem. Still waiting for a further advice.

Thank you.