Hi there,
I’ve managed to connect my gas meter (Schlumberger R5) to my emonPi, using the pulse counter in the meter (and its RJ11 connector).
I’m logging this to a feed. I have been doing this for a few days.
I now want to create a feed that accumulates the pulse counter (making sure it keeps increasing even after a reset which would bring the counter back to 0). After that, I want to create a second feed that will convert the accumulated value into a kwh (using the feet/m3 to kwh calculation indicated on my gas bill).
The question is: I think I see how to go about doing all this - but is there a way of populating the new feeds with the back data since the pulse input started registering data?
I was hoping that there would be a post-process mechanism to do so, but (unless I’m mistaken), I don’t see any simple accumulator (the “power to kwh” obviously wouldn’t work here…)