Input weather readings from Ecowitt GW2000 gateway

Hello; I’ve just bought an Ecowitt GW2000 to interface to a WS90 weather sensor. There seems to be an awful lot of weather software, and python libraries and suchlike that might be relevant but I’m confused by the excess of resources!

Can anybody suggest how best to interface the weather data to my emoncms system? Starting with how best to capture the readings from the gateway, and then how best to send them on to emoncms. I might be interested in a way to build a display of the weather data outside emoncms as well, if it’s simple enough.

We’ve got a GW1100A, I followed the relatively easy instructions to interface it to Home Assistant.

I then forward it from there to my local emonCMS.

Thanks for the suggestion, Christian. I’ve discovered that among the confusion of resources I found there was start [Wiki - Fine Offset Ecowitt Ambient Weather Stations (and clones)] and that contains a bunch of useful-looking information, including the fact (yet to be tested) that my GW2000 gateway can publish its data as MQTT so I should just be able to connect it to mosquitto and thence to emoncms. I’m trying to avoid putting HA in the middle of things.

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