Input list doesn't load

Im not sure about this error, I dont have a emonpi/base with me at the moment so Im unable to test, it would be interesting to hear if this error occurs when the input list shows again, but I imagine it is unrelated.

Searching for php errors relating to silent fail with json_encode suggests an encoding issue, where the input is not utf8…



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time 1495184510
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success false
message “Feed does not exist”

any idea??

id “1”
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@Boye interesting to hear that feed/list.json return’s something sensible in your case rather than just a blank page. Which suggests that the issue is different to @margusv in your case.

Could you check if you see any errors in your browser’s web console?, usually accessible from developer tools (Ctrl-Shift-J on firefox).

In a PM with @margusv the issue was found in his case to be non-utf8 characters in the input name. Fixed with this commit to emoncms master Update input_model.php · emoncms/emoncms@5ca1093 · GitHub

1 Like

Hi Trystan

Im using putty on a windows 7 machine

ssh login: pi
ssh password: emonpi2016

what is the full path to change the file posted here:

after logging in I see this

It should be /var/www/html/emoncms/Modules/input/input_model.php

got it, input list works again…

I’m facing this problem again guys…and I cannot see any multigraph on my dashboard, just a blank space


Have you done any checks as described in this thread?

What version emoncms are you running? when did you last update?

Have you tried clearing the browser cache?

If you provide some info, you are more likely to attract support, no one will have a clue based on the info given.

Please clarify the issue(s) you have, your multigraphs are not-populated and your inputs page is not loading, is that correct?

Hi Paul,

I run the latest version, 9.8.28 if I remember well.
Yes I’ve cleared my browser cache, tried changing it with another one and from another PC.
I’ve solved the issue with multigraph by clearing the cache few days ago but the input issue still remains.
The only thing I can see from that page is the spinning wheel over a blank page (excluding the header and the footer).

Can you provide more info? There are a number of questions asked in this thread.

is the issue exactly the same as when you had it before? I do not mean are the “input page not loading” symptoms the same, are the results of the tests the same?

  1. input/list.json: no result at all, blank page

  2. About

    Release Type PECL-style PHP extension (source code)
    Name redis
    Summary PHP extension for interfacing with Redis
    Description This extension allows php applications to
    communicate with the Redis persistent key-value
    store. The php-redis module provides an easy
    object oriented interface.
    Maintainers Nicolas Favre-Felix [email protected]
    Michael Grunder [email protected]
    Release Date 2014-03-19 15:41:37
    Release Version 2.2.5 (stable)
    API Version 2.2.5 (stable)
    License PHP (PHP: License Information)
    Release Notes phpredis 2.2.5

                       This is a minor release with several bug fixes
                       as well as additions to support
                       new commands that have been introduced to Redis
                       since our last release.
                       A special thanks to everyone who helps the
                       project by commenting on issues and
                       submitting pull requests!  :)
                       [NEW] Support for the BITPOS command
                       [NEW] Connection timeout option for RedisArray
                       [NEW] A _serialize method, to complement our
                       existing _unserialize method
                       [NEW] Support for the PUBSUB command
                       [NEW] Support for SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN, and ZSCAN
                       [NEW] Support for the WAIT command
                       [FIX] Handle the COPY and REPLACE arguments for
                       the MIGRATE command
                       [DOC] Fix syntax error in documentation for the
                       SET command (@mithunsatheesh)
                       [DOC] Homebrew documentation instructions

    Required Dependencies PHP version 5.2.0-6.0.0
    PEAR installer version 1.4.0b1 or newer
    Not Compatible with PHP versions
    package.xml version 2.0
    Last Modified 2014-09-06 17:21
    Previous Installed - None -

  3. sure I did

  4. {"emontx3":{"power1":{"id":"1","processList":"2:-1,3:-6,24:0,1:21,4:22,5:42,22:2,24:0,1:65,4:66,5:68"},"power2":{"id":"2","processList":"1:25,4:26,5:43,11:1,3:-6,24:0,1:59,4:60,5:69"},"power3":{"id":"3","processList":"1:27,4:28,5:44"},"power4":{"id":"4","processList":"24:0,1:29,4:30,5:45"},"vrms":{"id":"29","processList":""},"temp1":{"id":"30","processList":""},"temp2":{"id":"31","processList":""},"temp3":{"id":"32","processList":""},"temp4":{"id":"33","processList":""},"temp5":{"id":"34","processList":""},"temp6":{"id":"35","processList":""},"pulse":{"id":"36","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"37","processList":""}},"emonth6":{"temperature":{"id":"20","processList":"1:34"},"humidity":{"id":"22","processList":"1:35"},"external temperature":{"id":"38","processList":""},"battery":{"id":"39","processList":""},"pulsecount":{"id":"40","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"41","processList":""}},"28":{"1":{"id":"48","processList":""},"2":{"id":"49","processList":""},"3":{"id":"50","processList":""},"4":{"id":"51","processList":""},"5":{"id":"52","processList":""},"6":{"id":"53","processList":""},"7":{"id":"54","processList":""},"8":{"id":"55","processList":""},"9":{"id":"56","processList":""},"10":{"id":"57","processList":""},"11":{"id":"58","processList":""},"12":{"id":"59","processList":""},"13":{"id":"60","processList":""},"14":{"id":"61","processList":""},"15":{"id":"62","processList":""},"16":{"id":"63","processList":""},"17":{"id":"64","processList":""},"18":{"id":"65","processList":""},"19":{"id":"66","processList":""},"20":{"id":"67","processList":""},"21":{"id":"68","processList":""},"22":{"id":"69","processList":""},"23":{"id":"70","processList":""},"24":{"id":"71","processList":""},"25":{"id":"72","processList":""},"26":{"id":"73","processList":""},"27":{"id":"74","processList":""},"28":{"id":"75","processList":""},"29":{"id":"76","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"77","processList":""}},"29":{"1":{"id":"78","processList":""},"2":{"id":"79","processList":""},"3":{"id":"80","processList":""},"4":{"id":"81","processList":""},"5":{"id":"82","processList":""},"6":{"id":"83","processList":""},"7":{"id":"84","processList":""},"8":{"id":"85","processList":""},"9":{"id":"86","processList":""},"10":{"id":"87","processList":""},"11":{"id":"88","processList":""},"12":{"id":"89","processList":""},"13":{"id":"90","processList":""},"14":{"id":"91","processList":""},"15":{"id":"92","processList":""},"16":{"id":"93","processList":""},"17":{"id":"94","processList":""},"18":{"id":"95","processList":""},"19":{"id":"96","processList":""},"20":{"id":"97","processList":""},"rssi":{"id":"98","processList":""}}}

The error I get is exactly the same I had and fixed few months ago…unfortunately I don’t know when it happened again because I don’t check input page so often…I just needed to edit a value so few days ago I went there. Let me know if you need anything else

Hi guys, any hint?

Have you added the two lines as suggested in post 49: Input list doesn't load - #49 by Boye

Remember to put your emonPi in read/write mode before adding the lines…

best regards

No I haven’t but I’ve just tried and it works, thank you man!

Those 2 lines have been in emoncms since May 2017 (v9.8.6), if they were not there for you, you are not running the updated/latest version. If you believe you were, then you should check for local changes that may be blocking the previous updates, just as this edit will block future updates.

That was specifically why I asked

I’m actually (and I was) on 9.3.8, the fix on 9.8.6 worked correctly at that time for this issue…I sincerly don’t know what happened after that. I haven’t blocked anything on purpose and I haven’t manually edited anything before.