Inactive Feeds


I have a emoncms low-write 9.7.7 | 2016.10.29

for a week I have all inactive feed

what tests I can do? How can I fix the problem?

From April the system worked fine without stopping



any ideas on how to solve?

You will need to provide a bit more info than that!

Where is the data coming from?
Where is emoncms installed?
Have you changed anything?

Have you checked the FAQ’s? it will give you simple checks and help you to know what info to provide.

Please try and run emonPi update from local Emoncms (Setup > Admin > emonpi update)

Maybe the issues discussed on this thread is the same issue:

Please provide as much info as possible.

Are you using an emonPi? Please post screenshots of emoncms and provide log files

I have a Raspberry Pi + RFM69Pi Receiver and emonTx V2 (old) .

is about a year that it all works


I emoncms → admin logger

2016-09-01 07:17:19.744|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Starting MQTT Input script
2016-09-01 07:17:21.090|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Subscribing to: emon/#
2016-09-01 07:17:21.092|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Not connected, retrying connection
2016-09-01 07:17:21.093|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Connecting to MQTT server: Connection Accepted.: code: 0
2016-09-01 07:17:21.094|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Subscribed to topic: emon/#
2016-11-18 18:32:12.168|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Starting MQTT Input script
2016-11-18 18:32:13.344|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Subscribing to: emon/#
2016-11-18 18:32:13.345|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Not connected, retrying connection
2016-11-18 18:32:13.346|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Connecting to MQTT server: Connection Accepted.: code: 0
2016-11-18 18:32:13.347|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Subscribed to topic: emon/#
2016-11-18 23:03:29.383|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Starting MQTT Input script
2016-11-18 23:03:30.496|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Subscribing to: emon/#
2016-11-18 23:03:30.497|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Not connected, retrying connection
2016-11-18 23:03:30.498|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Connecting to MQTT server: Connection Accepted.: code: 0
2016-11-18 23:03:30.499|WARN|phpmqtt_input.php|Subscribed to topic: emon/#

In logfile have a Device communication error

2016-09-01 07:17:10,026 INFO MainThread EmonHub emonHub ‘emon-pi’ variant v1.1
2016-09-01 07:17:10,027 INFO MainThread Opening hub…
2016-09-01 07:17:10,028 INFO MainThread Logging level set to DEBUG
2016-09-01 07:17:10,029 INFO MainThread Creating EmonHubJeeInterfacer ‘RFM2Pi’
2016-09-01 07:17:10,036 DEBUG MainThread Opening serial port: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 9600 bits/s
2016-09-01 07:17:12,038 WARNING MainThread Device communication error - check settings
2016-09-01 07:17:12,040 WARNING MainThread In interfacer set ‘866’ is not a valid setting for RFM2Pi: frequency
2016-09-01 07:17:12,040 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi group: 210 (210g)
2016-09-01 07:17:13,042 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi quiet: 0 (0q)
2016-09-01 07:17:14,044 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi baseid: 5 (5i)
2016-09-01 07:17:15,047 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi calibration: 230V (1p)
2016-09-01 07:17:16,050 DEBUG MainThread Setting RFM2Pi subchannels: [‘ToRFM12’]
2016-09-01 07:17:16,052 DEBUG MainThread Interfacer: Subscribed to channel’ : ToRFM12
2016-09-01 07:17:16,053 DEBUG MainThread Setting RFM2Pi pubchannels: [‘ToEmonCMS’]
2016-09-01 07:17:16,054 DEBUG MainThread Interfacer: Subscribed to channel’ : ToRFM12
2016-09-01 07:17:16,058 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: > c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0)
2016-09-01 07:17:16,062 INFO MainThread Creating EmonHubMqttInterfacer ‘MQTT’
2016-09-01 07:17:16,064 INFO MainThread MQTT Init mqtt_host= mqtt_port=1883 mqtt_user=emonpi
2016-09-01 07:17:16,069 DEBUG MainThread MQTT Subscribed to channel’ : ToEmonCMS
2016-09-01 07:17:16,071 INFO MainThread Creating EmonHubEmoncmsHTTPInterfacer ‘emoncmsorg’
2016-09-01 07:17:16,074 DEBUG MainThread emoncmsorg Subscribed to channel’ : ToEmonCMS
2016-09-01 07:17:16,163 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: …, a - send data packet to node , with ack
2016-09-01 07:17:16,170 INFO MQTT Connecting to MQTT Server
2016-09-01 07:17:16,174 INFO MQTT connection status: Connection successful
2016-09-01 07:17:16,176 DEBUG MQTT CONACK => Return code: 0
2016-09-01 07:17:16,268 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: …, s - send data packet to node , no ack
2016-09-01 07:17:16,283 INFO MQTT on_subscribe

Check your emonhub frequency setting; is your hardware using 868 or 433Mhz?
It appears that your emonhub is set for 866Mhz??


The serial baud of an RFM69Pi is 38400 and the frequency can be 433 or 868.

    Type = EmonHubJeeInterfacer
        com_port = /dev/ttyAMA0
        com_baud = 38400                     # 9600 for old RFM12Pi modules
        pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
        subchannels = ToRFM12,
        group = 210
        frequency = 433                         # 433 or 868
        baseid = 5           

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you’re right, the frequency is set to 866

strange I have not changed from one year to the configuration file.

Now change the frequency

Thank Paul

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I do not know why the frequency is varied


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It seems that I have the same error as “Zone”.

I get the same warning “Device communication error” in the emonhub.log. I have the emon SD image (emonSD-03May16) in the raspberry Pi with the module “RFM69Pi” that I bought from the shop but I changed to the RFM12B RF board since I have 868MHz sensors.

Despite the sensors being in the group 7 and sending data to node 5 at 868MHz I can not see anything in the “minicom” serial program: “minicom -b38400 -D/dev/ttyAMA0”.

The serial console seems to be disabled, the minicom connection can make the connection. Also, I am unable to install the serial console script: GitHub - lurch/rpi-serial-console: Simple script to easily enable & disable the Raspberry Pi's serial console. The system tells me the following:

/usr/bin/rpi-serial-console: Read-only file system

ÂżCould you give some advice?
Thank you very much!!


2017-01-30 21:44:51,740 INFO     MainThread EmonHub emonHub 'emon-pi' variant v1.1
2017-01-30 21:44:51,740 INFO     MainThread Opening hub...
2017-01-30 21:44:51,741 INFO     MainThread Logging level set to DEBUG
2017-01-30 21:44:51,742 INFO     MainThread Creating EmonHubJeeInterfacer 'RFM2Pi' 
2017-01-30 21:44:51,749 DEBUG    MainThread Opening serial port: /dev/ttyAMA0 @ 38400 bits/s
2017-01-30 21:44:53,752 WARNING  MainThread Device communication error - check settings
2017-01-30 21:44:53,753 INFO     MainThread Setting RFM2Pi frequency: 868 (8b)
2017-01-30 21:44:54,755 INFO     MainThread Setting RFM2Pi group: 7 (7g)
2017-01-30 21:44:55,756 INFO     MainThread Setting RFM2Pi quiet: 0 (0q)
2017-01-30 21:44:56,758 INFO     MainThread Setting RFM2Pi baseid: 5 (5i)
2017-01-30 21:44:57,759 INFO     MainThread Setting RFM2Pi calibration: 230V (1p)
2017-01-30 21:44:58,761 DEBUG    MainThread Setting RFM2Pi subchannels: ['ToRFM12']
2017-01-30 21:44:58,762 DEBUG    MainThread Interfacer: Subscribed to channel' : ToRFM12
2017-01-30 21:44:58,762 DEBUG    MainThread Setting RFM2Pi pubchannels: ['ToEmonCMS']
2017-01-30 21:44:58,763 DEBUG    MainThread Interfacer: Subscribed to channel' : ToRFM12
2017-01-30 21:44:58,764 INFO     MainThread Creating EmonHubMqttInterfacer 'MQTT' 
2017-01-30 21:44:58,765 INFO     MainThread MQTT Init mqtt_host= mqtt_port=1883 mqtt_user=emonpi
2017-01-30 21:44:58,767 DEBUG    MainThread MQTT Subscribed to channel' : ToEmonCMS
2017-01-30 21:44:58,768 INFO     MainThread Creating EmonHubEmoncmsHTTPInterfacer 'emoncmsorg' 
2017-01-30 21:44:58,770 DEBUG    MainThread emoncmsorg Subscribed to channel' : ToEmonCMS
2017-01-30 21:44:58,868 INFO     MQTT       Connecting to MQTT Server
2017-01-30 21:44:58,870 INFO     MQTT       connection status: Connection successful
2017-01-30 21:44:58,871 DEBUG    MQTT       CONACK => Return code: 0
2017-01-30 21:44:58,973 INFO     MQTT       on_subscribe

I think you will need to change the sketch running on the Atmel 328P in your RFM69Pi to use the RFM12B part of JeeLib rather than the RFM69CW part.

You’ll need to change #define RF69_COMPAT 1
to read #define RF69_COMPAT 0
in the source file, then recompile and reload the sketch. You might have to redo this change if you update the image.

The file system is read-only by default. Issue the command rpi-rw, and rpi-ro to put it back to read-only again.

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If you have an RFM69Pi you will need to use the RFm69Pi code not emonPi:

You could flash the pre compiled RFM69Pi firmware for RFM12B. It’s already on the emonSD ~/RFM2Pi/RFM69CW_RF_Demo_ATmega328/RFM12_Demo_ATmega328.cpp.hex

To flash to your RFM69Pi run:

$ sudo service emonhub stop

$ avrdude -v  -c arduino -p ATMEGA328P -P /dev/ttyAMA0 -b 38400 -U flash:w:~/RFM2Pi/RFM69CW_RF_Demo_ATmega328/RFM12_Demo_ATmega328.cpp.hex

$ sudo service emonhub start
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Thank you very much Robert and Glyn!!