How to use Arduino IDE V2 on Ubuntu - and update emonTH sketches

The new IDE for Arduino, V2, came out on 2021. So as a first time Arduino programmer - I installed it instead of V1.

My laptop is Ubuntu 20.

The old IDE: Arduino IDE 1 - has a help page here using Ubuntu:

For programmer hardware: I bought one from the OEM shop. It needs a micro-USB to connect to your laptop,

A) download the IDE V2

Arduino’s help page says: “To install the Arduino IDE 2.0 on Linux, first download the AppImage 64 bits (X86-64) from the Arduino Software page.”
I followed that path; ( and downloaded: arduino-ide_2.0.0_Linux_64bit.AppImage ).

To run it - just click the file. (Unlike V1 which involved a script).

Do NOT connect the programmer to your eMon device until:

  • you check what voltage to set it to: 3.3 or 5V
  • and to know which way round to plug it in
  • see the FTDI programmer hardware page.

NO batteries are needed for a emonTH - the programmer provides it.

Serial Ports on Ubuntu

With your programmer now set up - plugin to your Programmer the USB cable.
Before you plug in to your Laptop: run ‘lsusb’ which lists all your USB devices.

Run it again after plugging in, there’ll be a new line:

  • Future Technology Devices International, Ltd Bridge(I2C/SPI/UART/FIFO)

So your programmer is not damaged in the post!

Your device is probably called ttyUSB0

But prove it by searching for any USB named tty devices:

  • ls -l /dev/ttyUSB
    which in my case returned
  • crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Oct 12 18:26 /dev/ttyUSB0

Permissions to access the Serial Port on Ubuntu

Notice the permissions above, show that the Group owner is ‘dialout’.
So you need top make yourself a member of that group.

  • sudo usermod -a -G dialout <your_user_name>

Check you’re now a member of dial out:

  • grep dialout /etc/group

Let’s test we can listen in on the Serial - just using Ubuntu tools

Most eMon things log to the serial port - if one is plugged in.

So before using the IDE - let’s just prove to ourselves that we can do that from raw Ubuntu.

Although if you want to skip this step (you feel lucky!) - do jump ahead to the next section- but come back here if that fails!

Run this command to listen to the serial port - using the old Linux friend ‘cat’:

  • sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB0

and with luck you’ll see something below - even if it is gobblydegook like this:

Gobblydegook - is because the baud rate is wrong: set it with:

  • sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
    and check it is now correct
  • sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0

Notice that you have to redo the ‘cat’ command after every time you plug in; it ends when you unplug.

Setting up Arduino IDE 2 for your port and Board

Start the IDE by clicking on the AppImage file.

As a precursor to all work with the programmer - the IDE needs to know what port and what Board you’re using.

Under 'Tools /Port - you’ll hopefully be able to select the tty from above, for me it was /dev/ttyUSB0

Then under 'Tools /Board" select “Board_Manager”: then in the Green Menu at top; highlight the box and click ‘Select Other Board and Port’

Search there for ‘Arduino Uno’ and select it; and click OK.

Open the ‘Serial Monitor’ window in the IDE
In the menu: “Tools / Serial Monitor”

Set the serial port speed to 115200 from 9600 baud
Then in the window - notice on the right hand side:

  • 9600 baud - that will need changing
  • ‘New Line’ or similar - change to ‘Both NL & CR’

The Big Moment: Plugin your Programmer to your emon device and to your laptop!

If all is well, you’ll see the device logging to serial as it boots up.

If nothing shows:

  • go back and check the steps again - your Ubuntu set up is probably not done yet!
    IF gobblydegook shows
  • make sure the baud is set to 115200 as above.

Using Sketches

Your IDE is now set up and talking to your eMon device -so you’re ready to play with sketches: uploading to your device etc.

See the Arduino IDE 2 tutorials pages

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