Home assistant integration - how to assign a sensor to an area / room


I have an emoncms working well (with a emonTH), I’ve also recently started with Home Assistant.

I am using the official emoncms integration - Emoncms - Home Assistant

Everything shows up in Home Assistant, power use, voltage, temperatures - so far so good.

I am trying to assign the temperature sensors in particular to an area / room but I can’t.

When I try it says:
‘This entity (“sensor.emoncms_power_house”) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. See the documentation for more detail.’

I was wondering if anyone else with a similar setup has encountered similar and knows what I’m missing?

Thanks in advance!

Since the Integration was created, quite a lot has changed in HA.

There is this info for developers, but, as usual, it doesn’t really help actually modify the integration.

As none of the Devs seem to use Emoncms, it does not get any attention (I’ve had an open issue for ages that needs help but nothing has been forthcoming. It is a simple change I suspect, I just do not know how). They can also be pretty dismissive and not very friendly. I’ve given up asking for help.

So for now, sorry you can’t assign the sensors to an area :frowning:

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Thanks for your reply Brian & your efforts, that’s a pity, fingers crossed for the future.

It looks like it might be up to the emoncms integration to create the unique_id for each feed it imports?

Some combination of api_key and feed_id would probably do, but I don’t know how it’s normally done.

@Timbones note the date of the original response.

The HA integration desperately needs updating, I’m an owner in theory (I did a few updates a while back), but my skills do not extend to the sort of changes required. Ideally it would move to being configured by the UI as well.

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There are other issues too such as Emoncms Integration - Null value causes error · Issue #38016 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Any news or solution for this missing unique_id problem?

Short answer is no :frowning:

Looks like there’s been some attempts to update/cleanup the emoncms integration:

But unfortunately, sounds like they are both too big as single PRs, therefore hard to review and unlikely to get further momentum :frowning:

Sadly I have no Python skills to help realistically progress the integration, besides a bit of stumbling in the dark…

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May I add another request, if/when the integration is developed further.
I would like to be able to assign friendly names to the entities.

I’m assuming it’s not possible to do that currently in yaml config?