Help installing Emoncms Docker on DSM7

I have done a search for help but not finding anything recent. I have pull the docker image here: from the Synology I have my HA and MQTT docker images on.

The docker container was recently updated and I am hoping is being maintained.

I have tried to point Emoncms to my MQTT broker with environment variables with no luck.

I am new to everything here: MQTT, HomeAssistant and Emon.

Running on a Synology DS920+, running latest 7.2.2

HP hardware does not matter but, I have a split Daikin 16kW unit with buffer and I am using hardware from Arnold Here: P1P2MQTT/doc/ at main · Arnold-n/P1P2MQTT · GitHub

I am wanting to add my data to OpenEnergy - not the best but an ok CoP from my calculation. I still need to buy/install a power meter for this to all work but wanted to get the software side up first.

From logs on Emoncms Docker

2025/01/27 14:06:04	stdout	2025-01-27 14:06:04,081 INFO gave up: apache entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
2025/01/27 14:06:03	stdout	2025-01-27 14:06:03,080 INFO exited: apache (exit status 1; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:06:03	stdout	2025-01-27 14:06:03,067 INFO exited: emoncms_mqtt (exit status 255; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:06:03	stdout	2025-01-27 14:06:02,736 INFO spawned: 'emoncms_mqtt' with pid 57
2025/01/27 14:06:02	stdout	2025-01-27 14:06:02,734 INFO spawned: 'apache' with pid 56
2025/01/27 14:06:01	stdout	2025-01-27 14:06:01,731 INFO exited: emoncms_mqtt (exit status 255; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:06:01	stdout	2025-01-27 14:06:01,731 INFO success: emoncms_mqtt entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2025/01/27 14:06:00	stdout	2025-01-27 14:06:00,703 INFO spawned: 'emoncms_mqtt' with pid 55
2025/01/27 14:05:59	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:59,701 INFO exited: apache (exit status 1; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:05:59	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:59,689 INFO exited: emoncms_mqtt (exit status 255; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:05:59	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:59,610 INFO spawned: 'emoncms_mqtt' with pid 44
2025/01/27 14:05:59	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:59,608 INFO spawned: 'apache' with pid 43
2025/01/27 14:05:58	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:58,605 INFO exited: emoncms_mqtt (exit status 255; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:05:58	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:58,605 INFO success: emoncms_mqtt entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2025/01/27 14:05:57	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:57,588 INFO exited: apache (exit status 1; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:05:57	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:57,577 INFO spawned: 'emoncms_mqtt' with pid 42
2025/01/27 14:05:57	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:57,500 INFO exited: emoncms_mqtt (exit status 255; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:05:57	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:57,499 INFO success: emoncms_mqtt entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2025/01/27 14:05:57	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:57,499 INFO spawned: 'apache' with pid 31
2025/01/27 14:05:56	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:56,481 INFO exited: apache (exit status 1; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:05:56	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:56,471 INFO spawned: 'emoncms_mqtt' with pid 30
2025/01/27 14:05:56	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:56,469 INFO exited: emoncms_mqtt (exit status 255; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:05:56	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:56,376 INFO spawned: 'apache' with pid 19
2025/01/27 14:05:56	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:56,168 INFO exited: apache (exit status 1; not expected)
2025/01/27 14:05:55	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:54,877 INFO success: emoncms_mqtt entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2025/01/27 14:05:54	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:54,877 INFO success: apache entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2025/01/27 14:05:53	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:53,875 INFO spawned: 'emoncms_mqtt' with pid 8
2025/01/27 14:05:53	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:53,860 INFO spawned: 'apache' with pid 7
2025/01/27 14:05:53	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:52,842 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2025/01/27 14:05:53	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:52,842 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2025/01/27 14:05:52	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:52,842 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2025/01/27 14:05:52	stdout	Unlinking stale socket /tmp/supervisor.sock
2025/01/27 14:05:52	stdout	2025-01-27 14:05:52,444 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded

which docker images do you use ?

Try the all in one cf

I see the link I had in post was wrong. I tried this one.

I will try the one you suggest tomorrow.

As you are new to all this, as written, the standalone image is a better/simpler choice i think


I have used docker container you pointed to and seems to be working straight out the box. I ran in ephemeral-test. I will do the run compose with my local variables next but unclear on the apache2 files I need from the instruction.

Thanks for the pointer