Hello @Frans
The heatpump monitor firmware (https://github.com/openenergymonitor/HeatpumpMonitor/blob/master/Firmware/Arduino/HeatpumpMonitor_AutoTemp_MultiPage/HeatpumpMonitor_AutoTemp_MultiPage.ino) only supports Kamstrup 402, 403 and Sontext 531 at the moment.
You add support for further meters yourself but its a bit of a complex procedure of reading through the meter datasheets, finding the register positions and then updating the heatpump monitor firmware to support the new meter.
There is a tool that helps with this process here: https://github.com/openenergymonitor/HeatpumpMonitor/tree/master/Firmware/Arduino/MBUS_Reader it reads from the any meter and prints out whatever it can work out. You could try that as a starting points perhaps?
The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Heat pump Monitor is WIFI only Im afraid.
Yes it uses a RFM69CW already.
The MBUS reader requires specific hardware to work. You could build this circuit and perhaps use with an EmonTx v2 but I think it would be a challenging project. Here’s the original forum post with a link to the MBUS reader schematic M-Bus ? | Archived Forum
Hope that helps!