Heat Pump Total values incorrect

I recently reset feeds and fixed some ‘bad’ data feeds I had. However the ‘total’ values at the bottom of the app are showing wrong? These seem stuck on the old value?

Hello, and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Did you reset the cumulative kWh feeds too? You can set the start date to, say, 1735603200 and it’ll ignore all days before Dec 31st.

Those numbers are relatively small, and won’t impact the totals after a long period, so maybe don’t worry about them.

Hi. Yeah I did. I deleted all the feeds. How often does that ‘total’ update? It seems stuck. I also updated the start date and it doesn’t seem to change that value. The ‘Total Since’ text updates but the values don’t.

It might sort itself out in a day or two…

What values do you see on the Feeds page for those feeds?

Isn’t it in the app settings, the “Reload Daily data”?