Heat pump experiment review after two years

Hi @mjr

You want to go to /input/api and you’ll see all the help you can dream of.

I’m assuming you saw this:


Particularly, the TRVs are at something like 23 °C at the moment but my algorithm keeps turning off the heat pump before the air temperature gets close to that. The air temp is actually about 20 °C. I’ve been scratching my head trying to work out what aspect of the system is keeping the occupants comfortable without any room temperature interaction but across a wide range of external temperatures. At the moment I can’t explain why my system is working so well in this respect.

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Yes, I’ve got that, but I mean more like what’s the recommended location and launch/relaunch method for my data collection scripts for the least painful updates in future? Are there ways that the usual upgrades are unlikely to break?

Yes, I saw that post. I think you’re correct to view Thermostatic Radiator Valves as basically an upper limit on what that room will take from the heating loop. That’s my first task for a controllable TRV, to turn down heating in a room at times when no-one is in it, but ideally with some pushbutton to start heating it as soon as we know someone wants it, even if we’re not home, before they start their journey (in part because our low-temperature radiators don’t heat rooms quickly and I don’t want to use the old heater if we can avoid it). Expect some questions from me on a post about smart/remote TRVs some time soon!

I also don’t understand why some TRVs say they won’t work with heat pumps, unless maybe some don’t work well with low-temperature radiators and need the old 60-70 degree heating loops.

Why is your system working so well? As I understand it, your control program does “feels like” weather compensation with some extra logic to reduce cycling and avoid pumping water when it’s not being heated, so I think you’ve effectively implemented a curve that matches your heat loss and desired target temperature. And one of your tweaks is to stop heating when the radiators aren’t losing enough heat, which I think would happen when all rooms are close to that curve’s target value, effectively using the heating loop as a whole-house thermostat! If one room is disproportionately cold, I think its TRV would be more open so it would take heated water more quickly than the others and lose enough heat to keep the pump running, and eventually bring that room back up and balance the system again, allowing the return temperature to get close to the flow and stop.

How good is your program at recovering from events like someone foolish switching the heating off in error for a few hours in winter? Using the Mitsubishi controller’s curve settings, I have at least once lost control of the house temperature so it wasn’t coming back on its own any time soon. I brute-forced a recovery by switching to flow temperature mode and setting a fairly high flow temperature until analogue thermometers around the house all read OK. Then I set a new curve using the learning (new values and a bigger bend to account for how exposed to the wind we are), switched back to curve mode, rinsed and repeated.

I suspect your control logic would do better than Mitsubishi’s because it could factor in other sensors and take more extreme actions. The Mitsubishi’s curve mode seems to be reacting to the outdoor sensor alone, pays no attention to the room thermometer and does not react much to the flow-return difference: as far as I can tell, it stops heating if the flow-return difference gets small, but it still runs the pump most of the time and it never reacts to a large flow-return gap by increasing the flow temperature temporarily.

I hope that you will permit me to slightly drift into two other quirks that I found while experimenting with our ecodan about which I’d like to ask for other experiences:

  1. It seems that our ecodan always heats water up to the set temperature every time hot water comes out of a “prohibit” timer phase, even if the tank sensor temperature is within than the allowed drop. Is this normal? Do others? I currently exploit this to heat most of our water with cheaper overnight electricity (by having a prohibit ending at something like 4am) but it is generally a bit annoying because there are times of the day/week when I’d like not to heat water unless it’s really really needed, without always reheating the tank at the end of such a period. I guess I could use pymelcloud to turn the tank set temperature down and up on a schedule but that may be a bad idea for some reason I’m not thinking of, or, even more intrusively, have no schedule and use pymelcloud to press the virtual “Heat Now” button if a mix of time and tank temperature sensor conditions are met.

  2. Does the Mitsubishi’s room thermostat mode heat the radiators to higher flow temperatures but more intermittently, for shorter times in total? Is that how it is expected to work? That seemed to combine with our windswept location to deliver a poor CoP (closer to 3 than 4) and higher bills in early November (and 6-9°C out so not that cold) and motivated me to start reading and then experimenting.

Ah, I see. I’m using this all in Docker so I just keep my scripts outside and they don’t get impacted by updates. Sorry, that probably isn’t helpful.

I’ve got location data from our EV in realtime. Maybe you could just see if the car is moving, predict how long it’ll take to get home and how long the heating will take and just turn it on automatically. That’s assuming you don’t stop off on the way home to take your mum some nice flowers.

Yep, even radbot says it in their FAQ. I ran out of time to ask why.

You might be on to something there. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but that is what I’m doing.

That’s been happening for the last few weeks. We have an intermittent power fault unrelated to the ASHP. When the power is restored the dumb regular thermostat receiver that we don’t even use defaults to “off” so the house starts getting colder. Sometimes it’ll be hours later before we realise and manually kick the manual thermostat to unblock things. The dumb thermostat is set to 26 C so it should always be “on” but it’s waiting for a state transition so just sits around shrugging it’s shoulders whilst everyone else is working to do a good job.

So basically it doesn’t get cold from that type of event because the house is already warm.

We do have a daily occurrence of what you describe though because we don’t heat the house overnight (we’re all asleep under duvets). So in the morning it has to get going. Here’s a typical long run (in this case with a weird gap) that we see in the morning. You can see it takes an hour to get up to temp so just trundles along until it’s been at the max temp for a few minutes.

Yep, that would be frustrating.

You can see my algorithm is responding to a small deltaT by lifting the target temp so the deltaT gets bigger again (for a while at least).

So my strategy of walking up the temperature means it’s running at very low temps for quite a while to start with, such as that 28 C for 10 mins at the beginning. That’s similar to what @johncantor and @TrystanLea see with their FTC2 slowly lifting the flow temp rather than my FTC5 and John’s FTC6 (and presumably yours) which are ramping up the flow temp really quickly.

I very much do the last thing. Mine is on prohibit the whole time and my algorithm decides when to poke the ForcedHotWaterMode button.

To do your “overnight” thing I have this line of code to bump up the desired temp so I’m using it as a heat battery:

if OctopusGo.powerWillBeCheapForNextFifteenMinutes(calculationMoment, deviceInfos):
    desiredWaterTemperature = 52

and the other code that looks at the discrepancy might decide that’s reason enough to jump in and turn on the heat pump, or maybe not, especially if it’s already pretty warm.

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I’m afraid I didn’t run it long enough to be sure. It kept cycling so much and running the circulating pump so long that I took over in 2019-12 and haven’t looked back. I did experiment with the different modes but nothing made it behave well.

Just for your reference, here’s how ours behaved in 2021-11 before it went a bit haywire when I lost control. It’s about 10 heating runs per day.

Well here’s the worst it’s been since we got the heat pump @mjr. Something else keeps taking the power down and we ended up turning things off for hours on the 8th when it was already cold. We were actually unhappy for the first time.

This graph also shows how the temperature normally drops a degree or two each night when the heat pump is shut down.

I’ve zoomed in on the evening of the 8th after we got things running smoothly again.

So it looks to me like your system raises temperature by at most 1 degree in 45 minutes. Would you be willing and able to plot energy consumption and production over that zoomed in bit? I’m wondering how hard it was driving the heat pump to do that or if there is scope for a “quick warm-up” process to do more.

Here you go @mjr

Your query is a good example of why I built my app.

You’ll have to ignore the spikes on the hour which are a hiccup due to this MELCloud fun I’m having.

Normally my flow tops out at about 40 °C but you can see I was playing with it to “boost” it as you say (by re-compiling my Docker container :slight_smile: )

This is the first time I’ve felt the need to boost it. I could put something in my algorithm that looks at the room temps to auto-boost it I suppose. Our house doesn’t usually get cold so it’s not been something I was interested in.

Thanks. Apart from about 2130, it looks like your 14kW unit still has some capacity to spare.

I’ve been thinking more about weather compensation curves and quick warm-up and occupant tolerance for temperature fluctuations. In one way, weather compensation is very clever, proactively changing the heat output in response to external temperature change before it causes heat loss. In another way, it does the wrong thing, working the heatpump harder when its performance gets worse due to the falling temperature. I wonder whether it might be a good idea to increase the radiator temperature on a mild afternoon, putting more heat into the house when the heatpump CoP is better and letting the temperature fall slightly as it gets colder outside… or whether the occupants would notice that, feel cold and boost the heating anyway.

But because I cannot see how to remote control the +/- curve adjustment from melcloud, this will remain as idle wondering for me until I take the plunge and let the Pi set the flow temperature, and I’ve an LCD display and some buttons I want to get working before that!

Yep, 21:30 was it doing the hot water in it’s usual enthusiastic way.

When we tried overheating the house the people noticed. Also, having it get colder as the outdoor temp fell would make them more upset. The heat pump was fitted to keep us warm.

You’re right it’s bad to heat the house when it’s cold outside. If you wanted optimal efficiency you could heat it in the Summer and ensure it was well insulated :slight_smile:

One thing extra control has helped with is a 10 minute nudge at 20:00 in September which makes everyone feel warm for very little cost. That’s how to earn brownie points.

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Ha! I wonder what temperature would be required in September to last the winter(!)

Going back to the melcloud output: does anyone know how to tell if the heating controller is in flow or curve mode? I can detect room mode because there’s a Zone1InRoomMode flag, plus TargetHCTemperatureZone1 and SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1 differ in that mode, but I’ve yet to spot the difference between flow and curve modes.

Why this matters: if I give the Pi control based on the data stored in emoncms, I want it to give up if it sees settings being changed on the controller — such as someone putting it back into curve mode or changing the target temperatures — rather than start a fight it’ll probably lose because local hardware usually beats cloud service commands.

While I’m asking, does anyone know if pymelcloud can see or set the curve delta, the +/- 0-9°c that appears on the controller unit in curve mode? I don’t think it can, but I could be wrong.

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You mean like this :slight_smile:

icon = {
    0: "operation-mode-room",
    1: "operation-mode-flow",
    2: "operation-mode-curve",
}.get(deviceInfo["OperationModeZone1"], "")

operationModeZone1Title = {
    0: "Using room temperature in utility room to decide when to run",
    1: "Using the flow temperature like the oil boiler did",
    2: "Adapting the flow temperature based on how cold it is outside",
}.get(deviceInfo["OperationModeZone1"], "")

That’s really important for the humans. In our house it allowed them to feel in control. Also, it allowed the algorithm to be a bit over-zealous and have it’s nose tweaked by the humans when it went too far.

I don’t think so either. It uses the same API I do and I didn’t see flags for it because it’s not being set via the app. Here’s the flags I bothered to record:

flags = {
    "Power": 1,
    "OperationMode": 2,
    "EcoHotWater": 4,
    "OperationModeZone1": 8,
    "OperationModeZone2": 16,
    "SetTankWaterTemperature": 32,
    "TargetHCTemperatureZone1": 128,
    "TargetHCTemperatureZone2": 512,
    "ForcedHotWaterMode": 65536,
    "HolidayMode": 131072,
    "ProhibitHotWater": 262144,
    "ProhibitHeatingZone1": 524288,
    "ProhibitCoolingZone1": 1048576,
    "ProhibitHeatingZone2": 2097152,
    "ProhibitCoolingZone2": 4194304,
    "Demand": 67108864,
    "ThermostatTemperatureZone1": 8589934592,
    "ThermostatTemperatureZone2": 34359738368,
    "SetFlowTemperature": 281474976710656,
    "After here I added manually": True,
    "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 281474976710656,
    "SetTemperatureZone1": 33554432,
    "ProhibitZone1": 524288,

Just so. It hadn’t occurred to me that the values of OperationModeZone1 meant different things to the same values in OperationMode. I was expecting it to flit between 0 and 2 depending on what OperationMode was doing. As they say around here: that’ll learn me!

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That json.dumps call seems to need to be json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':')) else most of the created feeds have spaces on the front of their names which messes up @MyForest’s MMSPHeatPump app in ways I found non-obvious.

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Signed up to thank @MyForest for all the useful information he’s posted here and on other threads.

I’ve had a heat pump for 2 months now (EcoDan 11.2 kW in 1960s bungalow with rads near York), and quickly had my own PHP* code pulling all the necessary data out of MELCloud into Emoncms.
(*Python’s okay and all, but I just prefer semi-colons and curly brackets :smiley: ).

I’ve also got some code to control the HP via MELCloud, though only simple basic time-based settings so far, such as reducing the flow temperature overnight, gradually increasing it in the early morning. My unit really likes to run in 20 minute cycles, and I’ve not yet figured out how to convince it to run longer. Maybe I’ll try controlling the HP more dynamically instead.

Edit: I’ve just realised that they installed a “smart” room thermostat with the heat pump, which is setup to do 3 cycles per hour. Given that I have temperature sensors in every room feeding EmonCMS, I may implement a thermostat in software instead.

Here are some other observations I’d like to share:

  • I was also looking for a way to read and control the ‘curve delta’ setting, but it doesn’t look to be exposed by MELCloud. The only way would be to take over the weather curve function entirely, which I may try one day.
  • if you don’t have proper metering, then the HeatPumpFrequency is the % power being used. Multiply this by the maximum input power of the unit (3730 watts in my case), and you get a half decent measure of the power its drawing.
  • I’m using openweathermap.org/api to get outside temperatures for my location, which seems to match the thermometer on the back of the HP pretty well. This also gives me future temperatures, which I might try factoring into a control algorithm.

Still figuring out how best to get the best out of the HP, but it seems to be working pretty well so far.


Welcome and glad you have improved your heatpump with emoncms too.

I have wondered about the above too. Something along the lines of extracting more heat now at higher efficiency if it is going to get colder or waiting a bit if it will warm up soon. At the moment, I do this a bit crudely by changing my temperatures at different times of day, but it is not always coldest just before sunrise, for example.

In case you didn’t know, melcloud sends three or so crude weather forecasts, but I think they’re not short-term enough for this use. They’re for 12-hour periods and I think it would need 1-hour period at most for this to work well.

If you implement a control algorithm containing future temperature predictions, I look forward to reading your experiences.


I have my own designed and built heat pump (plus controller) for my heating (underfloor).

As part of the development I included predictive heating requirements using the 3 hour forecast from openweathermap. Initially I just used the forecasted temperature but then I changed to the ‘feels_like’ as windchill needs to be factored in.

To determine the required temperature I just use an array to lookup the required temperature based on the feels_like temperature. It’s hard coded but can be easily updated.

As underfloor heating has a slow response time I use the value of the next time interval (+3 hours) to set my temperature.

As an addition I reduce the nighttime temperature by a few (configurable) degrees as reduced heating aids sleep.


Wow, so I guess you’ve done it for pure reasons without going for the government incentives like me and many others on here. If you feel like describing your system (maybe in a new discussion?), I’d read it. I’d be particularly interested in the controller hardware and software, of course, but I think your temperature calculation for underfloor heating will be different to someone like me with radiators.

Oh and welcome and are you using emoncms to monitor it or considering it?

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That’s wonderful to hear @Timbones - welcome to the forum!

If you fancy a chat in real life please DM me. I’m about 15 miles south of York.

No, I’m afraid it isn’t.

Here’s my curve in code including my comments about why it’s set this way. It was originally based on the Ecodan curve.

# 2020-02-29 Reducing top from 40 to 38 now we have longer, gentler heating
# 2020-03-02 Bumping back up to 40, <significant other> was cold this morning
# 2020-03-05 Bumping back to 38 now I found it wasn't using the effective temp
# 2020-12-25 Reducing uplift from 4 to 2 to make it run more gently
# 2021-01-03 Increasing uplift from 2 to 4 because <significant other> is cold

compCurveValue = int(38 - 2 * effectiveOutdoorTemperature / 3)
ensureNotTooHigh = min(compCurveValue, 50)
ensureNotTooLow = max(
    TemperatureThresholds.minFlowTemp(calculationMoment, deviceInfos),
return ensureNotTooLow + 4

I’ll be interested to see how you get along. I wasn’t able to work out how to make a decision about what to do because there is one heating system trying to feed all the different rooms with their different behaviours. In the end I fell back to a very dumb approach of pumping the water round and letting each room decide what to do it with using a local TRV custom-programmed for that room.

Ooh, well spotted. Thanks for sharing.

That’ll be interesting to see too.

I have a cunning plan that might help you. You can see I have a calculationMoment argument in my system. I can use that to move backwards (or forwards!) in time to see how the system would behave when I’m altering the algorithm. It means I don’t need to wait for a scenario to occur in real life, I can just find a time when the system was in an interesting state and see what the algorithm would do with it. Of course it means I have 6 million state files giving me the data from every minute since I got the heat pump (and also my weather station, solar panels and electricity usage).

I’ve also got Python unit tests which make up interesting scenarios and I have those gating the release of the Docker container. The most important one being TestSignificant OtherWillGetShower which ensures I don’t messing up the hot water cycle and upset the occupants.

I’m sure your more than capable of doing that in PHP too. That’ll give you good insights into how your new control algorithm will behave with varying future windows (such as that 3 hour window mentioned by @Acuario )

Thanks again for sharing.

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I’d concur with @Acuario on this.

When we had some storms here I adapted the code to use effective temperature and it made it much better. It turned out it helps the heat pump respond more appropriately at other times too, but it’s less obvious to the occupants. Of course it would be better to fix the draughts (we’ve done this) and to insulate the house so the wind wasn’t cooling the walls so much.

It’s nice to see you doing this but I’m still confused that so many people run their heat pumps overnight. Here’s the cron-formatted schedule I use:

0 6 * * 1-5 On
30 8 * * 0,6 On

0 22 * * * Off

Which means the heating is off for about 8+ hours overnight. I do sometimes nudge it back on at 01:00 if I’m working or guests are still around.

We’re in a 200 year old house with solid walls and quite a bit of internal brick. It does get a bit cooler overnight, but not dramatically. Here’s a couple of the sensors.

Can someone help me understand why so many people are running the heat pumps overnight?