Heat pump calculation tools

New menu and link to source code
I’ve updated the collection of heat pump calculation tools that I’ve been building slowly over the last few years to have a menu system and link to the GitHub source code. This should improve navigation and provide a more connected experience.

Note: While some of these tools have been developed with testing on mobile, most are best viewed on a wider screen and need more work for a nice mobile experience.

New tool: Weather Compensation calculator

List of available tools:

Other tools

The following are developed by OpenEnergyMonitor (SAP.js and the ZCB model in collaboration with CarbonCoop and The Center for Alternative Technology) but are not integrated into this site:

  • HeatLoss.js
    An open source room by room heat loss calculator.

  • SAP.js
    An open source javascript implementation of the SAP 2012 monthly building energy model.

  • ZeroCarbonBritain energy model
    An open-source javascript implementation of the 10-year hourly cross sectoral UK energy model behind the ZeroCarbonBritain scenario.


Hi @TrystanLea,
Is there any mileage in adding a little tool for roomstat setback recovery time, as outlined in House Thermal Inertia and Roomstat Setback (some cautionary notes)? It seems to have been fairly well received…

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Thanks Sarah, I will have a good read and see what I can add.