Heat Pump App confusion

I am running
Components: Emoncms Core v11.0.9 | App v2.5.2 | EmonHub Config v2.1.1 | Dashboard v2.2.4 | Device v2.1.8 | Graph v2.1.6 | Network Setup v1.0.2 | WiFi v2.1.1 | Backup v2.3.2 | DemandShaper v2.2.2 | Postprocess v2.2.4 | Sync v2.1.3 | Usefulscripts v2.3.9 | EmonScripts v1.4.1 | RFM2Pi v1.4.1 | Avrdude-rpi v1.0.0 | Emonhub v2.3.1 | EmonPi v2.9.4

and tried to set up the Heat Pump App. The feed graph looks like this;

I set up the app and it looks like this;

They don’t seem to correlate to each other. Can someone suggest how I can get them in sync?

Can you post the settings values that appear when you click the spanner in the app, please?

Sure thing.


It looks like you’ve put the same values in all 4 sections?

The feeds required in the two red sections need to be the electrical input to your heat pump.
One being raw watts and the other a cumulative feed.

The two blue feeds need to be the power output from your heat pump.
Again, one being raw watts and the other a cumulative feed.

So you need 4 different feeds for this, one for each box.


First, I suggest you run the update process. Check the update log for any errors.

Thanks for the suggestions.

I’ve ran a full update and updated the report to include only the electric uses and cumulative electric use. Here are the settings;

and here is the new graph

Also, I checked the emonhub log file and there are 3 warnings like below and no other warnings
2023-01-09 17:28:36,835 WARNING MainThread Setting emoncmsorg apikey: obscured

What make and model of heat pump are you look to monitor with the heat pump app?

As you can see here on my config for the app, you need to provide all the inputs so that the app can provide the output.

Input power in
Heat output from the heatpump
flow/return temps
internal/external temps

You can view my outputs here:

What is the “1st Floor” feed you’ve put into the first two boxes? What is that monitoring?

You’d need two separate feeds in those electricity boxes; raw watts and cumulative, so in essence:
1st Floor Watts
1st Floor kWh

Hope that makes sense?

Hmmm. I am trying to monitor the 220 volt, 50 amp circuit for my Mitsubishi Hyper Heat system consisting of;

1 Mitsubishi MXZ-SM36NAHZ H2 Multi-zone heat pump condenser , 
3 Mitsubishi MSZ F09NA Wall mount air handler 
1 Mitsubishi MFZ-KJ09NA floor unit.

on my first floor. I have one CT Sensor input on a feed wire in the electric panel and that is it. What would the second feed be attached to?

Based on the the requirements you outlined, I don’t think my setup will work for this app.

You can add your different inputs/feeds together into a new feed and use that in the app.

Adding to my namesake’s input, those two feeds can and most likely will come from the same input - your c.t. The power from your emonTx/emonPi input goes straight to the “1st Floor Elec Watts” feed, then you add on the inputs page a Power to kWh process, and that names and creates the “1st Floor Elec kWh” feed.
It’s those feeds you use in the App.

Is this where you’re stumbling?