Ground source heat pump monitoring

Hi Tristan,
Thank you for taking time to help!

I have tried already what you have suggested and also what you have sent in the last post .

After I modify the baud rate to 9600, I do get some response from the electric meter

It seems that is at least connected to the electric meter as some response commes back but search on the Google has not helped me to do much.

But from the Heat meter still no answer

Is there a way to modify the " parity= None " in the Heatmeter Interfacer , it seems the only way I could connect to it with the Modpoll software

The settings from Modpoll where I was able to collect some data from the HeatMeter was,
9600 baud
Parity None
Word length. 8
Stop bits. 1

Whereas on the Electric meter
9600 baud
Parity = odd
Word length 8
Stop bits. 1

Thanks in advance to anyone who may have an ideea how I can get further!