Probably a better place for this.
I bought one of the Glow CAD’s last week and this is the information it gives out from the electricity meter roughly every 6 seconds.
{“electricitymeter”:{“timestamp”:“2022-06-24T13:02:29Z”,“energy”:{“export”:{“cumulative”:0,“units”:“kWh”},“import”:{“cumulative”:4595.563,“day”:10.464,“week”:85.675,“month”:512.937,“units”:“kWh”,“mpan”:"***********",“supplier”:“Octopus Energy”,“price”:{“unitrate”:0.3,“standingcharge”:0.4457}}},“power”:{“value”:0.623,“units”:“kW”}}}
Gas meter data is transmitted at the same intervals from the CAD but it is only updated from the meter itself every 30 minutes
I had asked Hildebrand whether the CAD can send data detailing the night and day usages as we have Economy 7, I had an initial reply from Jane to say she will check with the software people but thinks this is a limitation of the Zigbee protocol.