I work with a battery energy storage supplier. We have a R&D project where we can supply a free 14kWh Starcharge battery and inverter for installation in a home. The purpose is to study load shifting optimisation algorithms with the Octopus Agile tariff. The battery comes with an inverter.
We are based in Bristol so the closest the better.
Requirements are:
Be on an Octopus Agile tariff
Give us access to your electricity consumption data
provide wifi/ethernet access for a RaspberryPi that will be responsible for the charging/discharging command. Internet access is required to talk to the Octopus API and to enable remote monitoring of the system.
Take responsibility for a G98 sign off by electrician / associated electrical work (connection to the consumer unit). We can set-up the system and commission it but are not able to connect it to the consumer unit ourselves.
Title make it sound like you looking for someone to do research rather then offering an Octopus Agile tariff user a free battery so you can do research.
Agile is pretty dead at the moment. Even the most hardcore members on the Octopus subreddit are leaving.
I’m on Cosy though and would love a free battery
I can’t make sense of Angile compared to getting 30kwh of b grade batteries from a company like Fogstar and charging them on one of the many tariff that give 6 hours of totally predictable cheap electricity every night. (Including buying a EV if required to get such a tariff before It would otherwise be required to replace a working car.)
I happy to choose b-grade as having more capacity reduces number of cycles per year and doing two 50% cycle dose much less damage then one 90% cycle. The Chinese batteries give nearly double the capacity for same cost as well know brands.