Fixed: Emoncms 9.2.2 update UNSUPPORTED Input Processes

Hello @Gerard1, thankyou for reporting, a similar issue was reported here After update to 9.9.0 process list all unavaiblable - #4 by nuno_faria1 and an update was issued to force the reloading of the internet browser cache. It doesn’t look like that’s taken effect in your update. Could you try clearing your internet browsers cache manually and then reloading the page?

Can you also check if there are any updates to perform in the Administration > Update database > Update & Check?

The resetting of your kWh feed is a bit more of a worry, that should not happen, but there is a way to fix data that resets in this way. Could you show a screenshot of the underlying data for feed: solar_kwh over the period where it goes negative?