Filtering erratic temperature and humidity values from DHT 22 sensor

Hi. I`m monitoring two DHT 22 sensors with Emoncms. Occasionally the sensors return spike reading of temperature and humidity like shown on the graph below:

Is there any way to filter these spike values with emoncms and have descent data readings?

Zoom in on the spikes to see what the actual data was.

You can add a skip to the input processing so if Zero or Null it doesn’t add a value to the Feed.

Out of interest, how do you do this on I can’t see a ‘skip’ option in the list.

There are a lot of skip commands - if<skip, if null skip and etc…

I only see Main, Calibration, Power & Energy, Input, Misc, Limits and Feed. Nothing about skip under any of those either.

You are correct - these steps do not exist in

Although the two versions - your local emoncms running on an emonPi, and - have a lot in common, there are small differences. In general, new features appear first in the emonPi/emonScripts version, and are then incorporated where possible into the on-line version. But because the version is shared by all users with an account, there will always be some differences.

How does your data get to You might need to find a place earlier in the chain to apply some filtering.


Thanks for clarifying! I thought I was going mad

I asked Trystan if it’s likely that the ‘skip’ process steps will make it into the on-line emonCMS. He replied not planned, but…