Feeds stopped working after firmware and emoncms upgrade

ok, if anyone is still listening to this post, please disregard previous post as I have managed to solve the problem I was having by simply logging in via SSH and doing a factory reset of the emoncms. After that process the feeds started working. I am not sure exactly what caused the issue. I actually did not have to change sd cards or reformat the current SD card.
However, I have developed a new problem with the dashboard.

When I go to create dashboard items, the widget is missing some essential icons which make it impossible for me to add anything to the dashboard. What could be causing this issue. I have attached what the widget should look like on emoncms.org compared to what I see on my local emoncms.

I don’t really use the local system but I can say that local and cloud systems have different features.

To which I add: some features of the downloaded/local version are optional, and need to be added. I’m not an emonCMS expert, so I can’t list them for you.

This does look like an issue rather than a difference.

The top line of both the pictured toolboxes are correct

The 2nd line of buttons (widget editing buttons) in the “local emoncms” pic only appears when an existing widget is selected on the dashboard being edited and disappears when no widgets are selected.

The 2nd and 3rd lines of buttons on the “emoncms.org” pic are the widget selection buttons and unless there have been any significant changes very recently, these should always be visible in the toolbox.

These 4 widget selection buttons appear to be missing from the “local emoncms” toolbox and should be there.

(As a side note, what is shown above is how I suggested the toolbox should appear since the 4 widget selection buttons are redundant whilst the widget edit buttons are visible and just make the toolbox larger than needed. This suggestion met fierce opposition back then so I doubt very much it is as intended and ergo most likely a fault.)

Hi Paul, yes you are absolutely right. On the local emoncms the 4 widget selection buttons should appear as they do in the emoncms.org.
I would prefer to use the local emoncms as it responds much faster than the emoncms.org site .

My issue now is that as I now have a blank dashboard , and the 4 widget selection buttons dont appear on my local emoncms, There is no way I can add any elements to the dashboard or construct a dashboard without these buttons.
What could be causing the 4 widget selection buttons not to appear? On econcms.org I noticed that the whole dashboard widget appears first and then after a few seconds the other 4 widget selection buttons then appear.
It was working before on my local before I reset the local emoncms back to factory settings through SSH.

Sorry Philip, no I can’t really throw any light on why your having an issue.

Have you tried clearing your browser cache?

and are there any errors reported in the developers tools console of the browser?

A post was split to a new topic: Feeds stopped working after emoncms upgrade

I know it’s an old post but I just experinced the same ‘Toolbox’ problem today.
Clearing my browser cache sorted the problem for me

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Was this on a local emoncms installation or emoncms.org?

I updated the dashboard module on emoncms.org a couple of days ago.

emoncms.org (local emoncms was fine)

Ok great, that is good to know, points to the upgrade as the cause.