ESP8266 howto reset eeprom and correct settings for arduino IDE

Hi Gordon

Disclaimer: following this guide is at your own risk… I cannot be made responsible if you damage your board.

First you will need this programmer: Programmer - USB to serial UART - Shop | OpenEnergyMonitor

I downloaded ESP-TOOL to erase the memory: GitHub - espressif/esptool: Espressif SoC serial bootloader utility
Follow the guide, install python 2.7

I made a wipe_all.bat file put the bat file in unzipped esptool-master folder

Remember to edit the comport number: --port COM29 -b 115200 write_flash 0x000000 blank_1MB.bin 0x100000 blank_1MB.bin 0x200000 blank_1MB.bin 0x300000 blank_1MB.bin

put the ESP into bootloader mode.
This is done my moving the jumper from TX pins to GPIO0 pin.

and run the wipe_all.bat file

That done go to the next step.

This guide works for the ESP8266 mounted on a Heat pump monitor board…

but same approach should also work on at esp8266 stand alone board.

I follow the guide from thil link GitHub - openenergymonitor/EmonESP: ESP8266 WIFI serial to emoncms link

Look for Option 2: Using Arduino IDE

read the entire guide, there are mentioned some libraries at the end of the the guide that you need to install in arduino IDE.

> If compiling fails because PubSubClient.h library cannot be found. Open the Library Manager again (Sketch > Include Library > Library Manager) and search for ‘PubSubClient’, install.

See attached PDF to get a picture guide.

ESP8266 wipe and reinstall.pdf (505.3 KB)

Good luck