ESP 32 beta loss of WiFi connection

Correct @Bill_Burgess, what you uploaded is the RAPI comms between the EVSE and the WiFi module. There is a more human readable output on pin #1.

@Pukka Same SSID? At the high level it just connects to an SSID, but I am not sure what logic the lower levels use when selecting a particular AP.

I downloaded v3.1.0 dev and it seems stable.

just to update this thread, I installed a new wifi access point about 2 foot away from the charger. It has not crashed yet. but then again i have not been charging the car via grid or solar. (no sun)

I will keep testing :slight_smile:

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Well since the weekend both of my asp32 have kept working. Early to tell. But what I did was on my DCHP server set it to infinity lease time .
Not sure if this may cause me other issues
But thought I would try it as I am making an assumption that after a certain amount of time the esp 32 would be dropped from my system if lease time expired and it may not be reauthenticating it self . ??? Anyone can give more detail on how this works

Intresting, more testing needed. I did have 10 minute lease time. now 30 min but the ESP32 has a reserved IP

Yes, it’s possible to use the ESP32 gateway. I’ve added this as an option in our web store. The board will come pre-configured with the correct hardware connections and firmware It’s a drop in replacement for the WiFi board.

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Going forward will the firmware be per complied on the download page or will I need to do it my self?

I will do some more testing with the wifi first and see if I can help with that.

just as an update to this i have changed the DHCP lease back to 10 min and have an access point close the ESP32

Yes, the esp32-gateway-ethernet FW is now on the releases page. The full docs on how to connect and upload to the esp32-gateway-ethernet boards can be found here:

I’ve created a new thread for wired Ethernet related discussion:

Just to update this, I have had the DHCP lease time set to 10 min and a WIFI access point near the ESP32 and its been 5 days and no loss of network. on friday i will remove the access point and report back.

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So today I removed the unifi Access Point and 3 hours later we have lost the web interface. its now broadcasting it own OpenEVSE_7b
WhenI looked about an hour ago the signal was -88 but interestingly our emonESP is showing signal as -91 and its still connected.

I would say it is signal based problem

hi since i changed the lease time on my dchp server to infinit the esp32 has worked with out interuption for over a week now thet is charging every night …

i think that it is some thing when trying to reconect to the sysem . that is causing issue .
i am using a pi hole dchp server on my system .