Error: Undefined variable: result in admin_controller.php on line 82

I get this line error after update local emoncms

Notice: Undefined variable: result in /var/www/emoncms/Modules/admin/admin_controller.php on line 82

Emonpi On
Display message
Ethernet : YES
IP: my ip

the screen stay on that status and later shutdown , don’t the raspberry , just display turn off

Oh dear, very sorry to hear. I understand you are running the older Raspberry Pi pre-built image (17July15). I would recommend upgrading to the latest image (emonSD-03May16), see blog post. This will require you downloading a 4GB image and flashing to a fresh SD card.

However, to try and solve the problem if you don’t want to upgrade I will need some more information.

  • Where did you see the error?
  • Did the emonPi update go ahead?
  • Could you post update log ?

For dev info line 82 of admin controller sets the update flag:

I ready upgrade the SD Card , and the error still appear

Where did you see the error? - in my local emoncms panel

Could you post update log ? - how I get this

Thanks for the screen grab.

updating the emonPi via emonpiudate is different to ‘upgrading’ the SD card image. Updating the Sd card image requires you downloading a 4GB image and flashing to a fresh SD card.

The update log file cna be viewed in the admin apge of local Emoncms

i ready did the SD card Update as you suggest in : Raspberry Pi Documentation - Getting Started

I get this screen now

and stop-block there

Did you download the emonSD-03-May16 image?

There should be a file called emonSD-03-May16 in the boot partition of the SD card. Do you have this file?

Can you access the RasPi via it’s IP, if so please login and run emonpi update. The image will attempt the run update on first boot. This will take 5-10min and require an internet connection

hi glyn

I made the update process again , and now its running well ( apparently ) , and the local emoncms updated too , I can see now all the items as you describe in starting guide
I use always this image from GitHub

now I triying to config the imputs

thanks !!!

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