I don’t understand your question.
I’ve never published a sketch for the emonTx4 using emonLibCM - that’s obsolete as far as the emonTx4 and 12 current inputs is concerned. If it’s Trystan’s sketch on Github, can you give me a link? Searching for the file name you’ve given returns nothing. It also doesn’t make sense to try to use emonLibCM with a 12 current inputs emonTx4, because emonLibCM can only handle 6 - one voltage and 5 current - analogue inputs.
You probably need to download emonLibCM and emonLibDB, and start with the documentation.
acDetectedThreshold is on line 215 of emonLibCM.cpp, and line 283 of emonLibDB.cpp
EmonLibCM_acPresent is on line 424 of emonLibCM.cpp, it is obviously not part of emonLibDB. The equivalent is on line 566 of emonLibDB.cpp