emonVS Power Supply reporting Strange voltages

Some pictures from the “dark green pcb” emonTx4 - AREF (900 mV) :

with 1µF tantalum electrolytic from AREF to GND - about 2 mV p-p:

Here’s what the 1 µF tantalum on AREF does to the numbers (before/after):


The spread of values after:

3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590
13 101 201 156 14 1

Ignoring the outlier, those represent a spread of ± 2 (±0.056%) so I’m quite content to recalibrate every mains cycle with this number.

I’m not at home at the moment so I can’t check, but from memory it’s not on the supply – I’m almost certain that’s the first place I looked.

I think I’d be inclined to adopt a configuration a bit closer to the data sheet, then divide the output down as necessary. I don’t think the noise contribution from 2 10kΩ capacitors effectively in parallel would be significant at 900 mV.