EmonTX to Rpi - Direct Serial Connection

@Robert.Wall - this is what you advised me to do when I was connecting over RF. I can’t see where this needs to be edited for Serialout in the sketch though

Do I need to add a row to this section to add in the sumPower?:

  #if defined SERIALOUT && !defined EMONESP
  Serial.print(nodeID);     Serial.print(' ');
  #if WIRES == 3-WIRE
  Serial.print((int)(realPower1+0.5) + (int)(realPower2+0.5));   // These for compatibility, but whatever 
  you need if emonHub is configured to suit. 
  Serial.print(F(" 0.0 "));
  Serial.print((int)(realPower1+0.5)); Serial.print(F(" "));   // These for compatibility, but whatever you 
  need if emonHub is configured to suit. 
  Serial.print((int)(realPower2+0.5)); Serial.print(F(" "));
  Serial.print((int)(realPower3+0.5)); Serial.print(F(" "));
  Serial.print((int)(realPower4+0.5)); Serial.print(F(" "));
  Serial.print(F(" "));