EmonTx not updating emonPi

Dear Glyn,

I will try it once I go home.
Turn back to your scrip suggestion.
How can I run this script on raspi ?
What would be the result of the script running ?

I would like to realy recover my sytem back to life, and I’m wondering, If after a totall system installation (I erased the partitions from the sd card and I mounted again the lates img file) my system doesn’t recovered, hence not to many things changed. I didn’t removed the rfmpi69 from the IO port, I just modified tha Emon TX ino files with the modified calculation values, and than the system collapsed…
Sorry for the too many question, but I’m not so good in RPI/Linux usage, But I 'm on the right way with you to learn a lot abouth it.
If you sad that If I order a prebuilded SD card to exclude that I made something wrong during update or install the system I will do it. But I would realy now if it’s a softwer problem or hardwer problem.
Do I have any waranty for the RFM69 board if we detect that it’s failed ?
I read on another topic that some watchdog issue happen and it cause freeze on rfmpi69 Node change and some other thing as well :
RFM69Pi stops updating/freezes - #10 by adpeace

Do I have to read those forums depper or the issue solved in new version (I bought 3 weeks ago the modul)

Thanks a lot for sour support.