I may be experiencing the opposite issue on an emonPi with dropped pulses. I’ve been running tests (not done) with node-red and mqtt. If there is no pulse received for 150 seconds, then the node-red flow adds a line to a log file. I’m trying to figure out how to turn a node-red flow into a stopwatch-type timer and then “time” dropped pulses.
I first thought my test may be bad with node-red problems or mqtt problems. But I can see the Opto Pulse Sensor green LED flash and no pulse is received on the emonPi.
For the electricity meter, each pulse is 1 Wh. And my house usually idles near 300-400 W (low electricity use). So I think I should get one pulse every 10 seconds (if not more)
Sat Oct 22 2016 17:01:11 GMT-0500 (CDT) Optical Pulse Stopped for 150 seconds
Sun Oct 23 2016 12:32:53 GMT-0500 (CDT) Optical Pulse Stopped for 150 seconds
Mon Oct 24 2016 15:32:43 GMT-0500 (CDT) Optical Pulse Stopped for 150 seconds
Mon Oct 24 2016 15:57:24 GMT-0500 (CDT) Optical Pulse Stopped for 150 seconds
Mon Oct 24 2016 16:03:14 GMT-0500 (CDT) Optical Pulse Stopped for 150 seconds
Mon Oct 24 2016 17:08:45 GMT-0500 (CDT) Optical Pulse Stopped for 150 seconds
Mon Oct 24 2016 20:55:53 GMT-0500 (CDT) Optical Pulse Stopped for 150 seconds
Tue Oct 25 2016 10:58:08 GMT-0500 (CDT) Optical Pulse Stopped for 150 seconds
Thu Oct 27 2016 16:09:41 GMT-0500 (CDT) Optical Pulse Stopped for 150 seconds
EDIT: I can start a new topic if I am highjacking this one…