EmonTH 2 with 3 external probes, nothing received

That sounds like a bug in the sketch on GitHub…

Looking at this:

You can see where it prints out the “dip adjusted” Node ID, and sets the global “nodeID” variable (lines 59-62).

However back here:

You can see that if you are using LPL, the EEPROM.nodeID is used, not the global “dip adjusted” nodeID.

The “dip adjusted” nodeID is used if you are using the non-LPL methods:

@glyn.hudson Should line 257 of emonth2.ino be changed from:
radio.initialize(EEProm.RF_freq, nodeID, EEProm.networkGroup);

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I’ve just raised an issue for this in GitHub and referenced this post :slight_smile:

Excellent, something about it smelt bad also, thanks

Looks like the GitHub issue has been closed, so you should be able to upload a new version which honours the DIP switch setting :slight_smile:

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