Amen, I have brought this up so many times in the past, but first I was told it isn’t a problem, then when it was, the hourly logrotation was rolled out as a cure.
This has already been suggested by me previously, I also suggested adding /var/log to the admin page alongside the ram and disc usage.
We need to fiddle less, full stop! I am not suggesting log2ram is a total solution (especially as it stands now) but it can remove most if not all of those fiddles. This is why I added the olddir logrotate to the standard L2R (log2ram) to try and fill it out to better suit our needs, a forced rotate via monit sounds like a good move (not totally researched yet).
True, but when logrotate has been running for a while it has files to delete to make room for the new ones so it becomes less of an issue after the retention period is reached after start up. But this is a managable issue anyway. The monit trigger to force a rotate when the ram partition is full can simply check for space first, make space (by deleting older logs) if needed or dump the rotations to /dev/null (or simply delete/empty the logfiles in situ) to stop the system failing. This is where we should be focusing are efforts, in a global policy that works transparently for all logs and promotes logfile retention without impacting the card life. NOT fiddling here there and everywhere, removing logs, reducing loglevels, deleting valuable log data etc etc.
Exactly my point!
I’m not against using journalctl were appropriate, I’m just not wanting us to waste time converting everything to use it when it won’t suit everything and it will introduce more issues. I am always for choice! L2R and/or journalctl, MQTT and/or HTTP, JSON and/or CSV etc etc I always try to reign in the sudden revolt to another option, it only because those trying to force the total rollout of what ever is new and shiny to everyone whether they want it or not, that causes me to argue against that position that makes me appear against it, I’m not, but it can seem that way when I am forced to keep going over the same points again and again to retain CHOICE or slow the rollout in order to get it right.
You are right, it is not what I’m saying.
If only that was the position BEFORE making all the changes! There is no point being so sure that something is right to roll out and then being open to discussion after it doesn’t work out so well and the horse has bolted.