Hallo there and thanks for reading this.
First I want to excuse myself if I took the wrong category or tags.
The Start
Let’s start with what I have done so far.
I have created a little esp32 board with staying close to the docs:
I wanna do a revision since I can only flash it via. GPIO for now which is painful and other reasons coming up later
Only ampere measurement integrated into my openHAB setup:
Phase One, Phase Two and Wattage (Yes I only got 2 phases)
Everything working so far, I get accurate enough measurements.
The Problem / The Question
I got a solar power installation and want to measure if I am feeding to much into the grid.
Too much is kinda wrong.
Let me try to explain.
I can measure the load of my local power 290 Watt (above picture).
Now I can tell my solar power system to feed 290 Watt into my system.
So far so good, the ampere / watt measurement drops to approximately zero.
Now comes the “bad” part.
If now a device powers off and removes 50 Watt, the new measurement of the load would be 50 Watt, since the solar power would feed 50 watt too much.
The CT Sensor would read 0.21 Ampere / 50 Watt and the solar feed would try to feed 50 Watt.
With the next measurement it would read 190 Watt (290-50=240 the lost 50 watt power off | 240-50=190 the new feed value) and would then try to feed 190 which would be correct.
I would like to measure -50 Watt / -0.21 Ampere and then adjust the feed like that.
As far as I understand it the CT Sensor can not read negative currents.
To do so I would have to add the voltage sensor, right?
I need/want to measure negative current with CT Clamps since I got a solar power installation.
As far as I understood it I need to add a voltage sensor to achieve this.
Did I miss anything?
Thanks for reading