EmonHub: Automatic serial device detection for MBUS and Modbus interfacers

Version 2.7.1 of emonHub now has the ability to automatically detect the right serial port for connected MBUS and Modbus devices (EmonHubMBUSInterfacer and EmonHubMinimalModbusInterfacer interfacers).

This makes configuration of Level 3 heat pump monitors easier and is designed to fix an issue where sometimes a device jumps on to another serial port e.g changing from ttyUSB0 to ttyUSB1.

The following emonhub.conf configuration options are now valid:

Wildcard filter:

    Type = EmonHubMBUSInterfacer
        device = /dev/ttyUSB*
        baud = 2400
        pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
        read_interval = 10
        validate_checksum = False
        nodename = heatpump
                address = 1
                type = standard

Vendor and product ID filters:

    Type = EmonHubMBUSInterfacer
        device_vid = 1659
        device_pid = 9123
        baud = 2400
        pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
        read_interval = 10
        validate_checksum = False
        nodename = heatpump
                address = 1
                type = standard

Can also be used with a wildcard filter:

    Type = EmonHubMBUSInterfacer
        device = /dev/ttyUSB*
        device_vid = 1659
        device_pid = 9123
        baud = 2400
        pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
        read_interval = 10
        validate_checksum = False
        nodename = heatpump
                address = 1
                type = standard

and of course the conventional specific reference is also fine:

    Type = EmonHubMBUSInterfacer
        device = /dev/ttyUSB0
        baud = 2400
        pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
        read_interval = 10
        validate_checksum = False
        nodename = heatpump
                address = 1
                type = standard

and the symbolic link option:

    Type = EmonHubMBUSInterfacer
        device = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller_BPBNb13AL20-if00-port0
        baud = 2400
        pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
        read_interval = 10
        validate_checksum = False
        nodename = heatpump
                address = 1
                type = standard

Great stuff, I’ve added this info to the emonHub docs: https://docs.openenergymonitor.org/emonhub/default-configuration.html#usb0

I note this statement by @TrystanLea

And the docs

The statement suggests the wildcard is only valid for those 2 specific interfacers.

Have the options been added to the info in the Interfacer file itself as well?