I’ve got the level 3 heat pump monitoring setup. Is there a way to work out the flow rate? I can see a volume reading but this is around 2,500 and I can’t figure out how that would relate back to the 15-25 litres per minute the LG controller shows. The system has some glycol (which the heat meter was calibrated for) but I don’t know exactly how much so would struggle to figure out a specific heat capacity.
My LG heat pump controls the flow rate based off some in-built logic, which it calls ‘optimal flow rate’, and I understand LG trains installers to commission with this setting. You can change it to fixed dT (but only 6C+ delta!), or fixed flow rate. I’d like to create a flow rate feed so I can map out the flow rate it’s using against the COP to confirm that, as you’d expect, this is indeed optimal.
Thanks in advance for any help. I assume the inputs are the same for all emonHPs but happy to paste a screenshot if not.