(Francesco Tosoni)
12 January 2018 09:08
i built the LCD monitor, but link
is broken. Please help me
Thank you
(Liviu Gheorghe)
12 January 2018 09:24
Try using the parent link:
(Francesco Tosoni)
12 January 2018 09:42
Hi Liviu G.
many thanks for your help
12 January 2018 11:59
@lugerp08 can you tell us where the faulty link is to it can be fixed?
The correct url seems to be EmonGLCD/firmware/tester at master · openenergymonitor/EmonGLCD · GitHub
18 September 2018 23:19
The broken link is at step 21 on this page:
# emonGLCDÂ Build Guide
Guide created and maintained by:Â [Ian Chilton](Â - please direct any suggestions or corrections to: ian [at] ichilton [dot] co [dot] uk.
If you run into problems please post on the [forum](
The PCB is built in an orderly sequence starting with the resistors and small components that are low on the board and then working up to the bulkier parts like connectors. After soldering each component, you need to cut off the excess component leg from the bottom using some cutters.
It is very easy to cause shorts which will make the board or specific parts of it not work, take your time during the build, be precise, use minimal solder and carefully check each joint after soldering it. If you suspect any short, check it with a multimeter and fix any shorts there and then, before continuing.
If your new to soldering or looking to improve your technique we highly recommend these videos:
* [EEVBlog Soldering Tutorial - Part 1: Tools](
* [EEVBlog Soldering Tutorial - Part 2: Soldering](
* [EEVBlog Soldering Tutorial - Part 3: Surface Mount](
**It is strongly recommended you read through the whole of this guide and familiarise yourself with the steps before you start the actual build. In particular, note that in step 7 you may, depending on the PCB version, need to insert components in the opposite polarity to the silk screen legend.**
## Version 1.4 PCB:
This file has been truncated. show original
I did manage to find the tester.ico sketch as above, but it calls for - Which is a broken link.
So I haven’t yet managed to get my emonglcd working. Is there any chance of someone checking and updating the instructions please - is it actually possible to build it now that library is gone?
The library hadn’t completely gone, it is on our slice of GitHub: OpenEnergyMonitor · GitHub
@gwil : Please note the link needs changing.
1 Like
18 September 2018 23:28
Oh, I had no idea. Appreciate the help as always Robert!
I know everything is usually there. Finding exactly where is sometimes a problem for me too.
19 September 2018 00:08
I actually got it to install and light up, amazing.
The RTClib link in the source header is broken as well. I took a gamble and downloaded this one: GitHub - adafruit/RTClib: A fork of Jeelab's fantastic RTC library
Sorry if this is obvious stuff that everyone knows, I always seem to run into these roadblocks with Arduino.
That’s the one I use.
Another for @gwil ?
1 Like
Thanks, both links have been fixed.
committed 09:16AM - 19 Sep 18 UTC
committed 03:50PM - 20 Sep 18 UTC