EmonGLCD link broken


i built the LCD monitor, but link https://github.com/openenergymonitor/EmonGLCD/tree/master/tester

is broken. Please help me

Thank you

Try using the parent link:

Hi Liviu G.

many thanks for your help

@lugerp08 can you tell us where the faulty link is to it can be fixed?

The correct url seems to be EmonGLCD/firmware/tester at master · openenergymonitor/EmonGLCD · GitHub

The broken link is at step 21 on this page:

I did manage to find the tester.ico sketch as above, but it calls for
https://github.com/jcw/glcdlib - Which is a broken link.

So I haven’t yet managed to get my emonglcd working. Is there any chance of someone checking and updating the instructions please - is it actually possible to build it now that library is gone?

The library hadn’t completely gone, it is on our slice of GitHub: OpenEnergyMonitor · GitHub

@gwil: Please note the link needs changing.

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Oh, I had no idea. Appreciate the help as always Robert!

I know everything is usually there. Finding exactly where is sometimes a problem for me too. :worried:

I actually got it to install and light up, amazing.

The RTClib link in the source header is broken as well. I took a gamble and downloaded this one: GitHub - adafruit/RTClib: A fork of Jeelab's fantastic RTC library

Sorry if this is obvious stuff that everyone knows, I always seem to run into these roadblocks with Arduino.

That’s the one I use.
Another for @gwil ?

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Thanks, both links have been fixed.