EmonGLCD does not read time nor Power

I believe you need to set the timezone in two places - in the emonPi operating system itself, and in emonCMS. See Setting clock on EmonPi - #4 by pb66

Where can you not read the data? The emonPi appears to be receiving it correctly. Do you mean your GLCD?

In your HomeEnergyMonitor.ino file, you need to change this line (line 69 possibly)

typedef struct { int power1, power2, power3, Vrms; } PayloadTX;

to be the same structure as the emonTx, but keeping the same names that it has:

typedef struct { int power1, power2, power3, power4, Vrms, temp[6]; unsigned long pulseCount;} PayloadTX;

You will never use (unless you change the sketch and redesign the display layout) power4 or the 6 temperatures, but that will not matter, the GLCD will receive but simply ignore those values.

Also a little further down in the sketch, you must change this line (line 121 ?)

if (node_id == 10) {emontx = *(PayloadTX*) rf12_data; last_emontx = millis();} //Assuming 10 is the emonTx NodeID

to become:

if (node_id == 8) {emontx = *(PayloadTX*) rf12_data; last_emontx = millis();}

because your emonTx is Node 8.